Started by larrym, August 13, 2013, 07:06:03 PM

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Talked to Daves brother just a few minutes ago.
Saturday morning Dave was taken by ambulance to the local hospital. He was diagnosed as having suffered a heart attack or aneurysm, or both. He was taken to Mercy hospital in Sacramento where open chest surgery was performed. It was found his aorta had ruptured.
To date he has had 15 hours of surgery. He currently is heavily sedated and holding his own. Doctors and family are encouraged as Dave has responded to verbal commands, although he is not awake.
As additional details become available, I will pass them on.
The family requests prayers. As of now, and the doctors agree, prayers are what is keeping him alive and hopefully on the road to recovery.

Jeff D

Wow, sorry to hear the news about Dave.  Thanks for the update, Larry.  Dave's a fighter, and with our help this is just another moto...no biggie!  Prayers on the way.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell