Cerani Fork Seal

Started by Dave Withrow, June 21, 2002, 10:11:24 PM

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Dave Withrow

Here is a new one on me.  I started to replace the seals in my 35mm forks.  Looking into the fork leg(bottom), instead of finding a snap ring, two seals(35x47x7), and another snap ring, I found snap ring, spacer, seal(35x47x10.5), snap ring.

 My problem is that the single, wider seal sat inside an apparent holder with a ledge on top and bottom.  Will/should this come out of the tube or should I simply put one seal back in and how.


Doug Wilford

Confussed, One seal will work with a spacer and the snap ring or two seals without. They won't blow out as long as the vent in the caps are working properly.