Started by larrym, August 15, 2013, 04:22:59 PM

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The good news at this point is, Dave continues to fight and hang on to life.
As I understand Dave's current status, two days ago another surgery was scheduled to close Dave's chest that was left open after the first three surgeries. The wound had been left open to monitor Dave's internal organs. It was feared damage was done to the organs by the lack of blood flow caused by the ruptured aorta.
The surgery was postponed in favor of continued monitoring, and was rescheduled for this afternoon.(8/15/13).
I have talked with Dave's brother and some of his closest friends in CA.
Like me, and I'm sure all of you, they are confident Dave will whip this thing. He's strong, very brave, and as mentally tough as a man can be. They ask for continued thoughts and prayer support.