Gold Tank Jackpiner

Started by rcrump1, June 28, 2002, 12:01:00 PM

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Hello all. I am new old Pentonphile (rode em in the early 70's and just got back into it)and stumbled across POG and this list recently. What a resource! I have recently run across a Gold colored Jackpiner that does not look like a repaint. I thought all of the Jackpiners were blue. Am I wrong about this? Is this an unusual bike? Thanks for the help and look forward to corresponding with and hopefully meeting aome of you.


rob w

Hi rcrump1, You are correct ,  jackpiners will always be blue, early 250's[harescramblers] were gold. Go to page 2 of "penton forum" . Go to "new guy; have questions". Read/print out, what Bob has there, it helped me out termendously. Good luck. Rob w
   Don't rely on a color of a part to give you your answers.

Edited by - rob w on 06/28/2002  4:16:26 PM


Rob, I read that post but the owner of the bike I'm liiking at swears its a 175. Also the 250's I have seen are more yellow than this bike, it is gold almost brownish. I am going to try to go by and see it this weekend and get the VIN so I will know for sure. Maybe someone else can shed some light in the meantime.
Thanks for the reply.