POG Mid Ohio Camping

Started by desmond197, June 29, 2002, 08:40:53 AM

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How do I reserve a space at the POG campsite at Mid Ohio. Who should I call. Thanks


Doug Wilford

Contact Ted Landers he is in charge of the Pentonville camping area at Mid Ohio.        [email protected]


Dwight Rudder

Teddy and I will be there Thursday afternoon to stake us out a spot. Last year it was just inside the Camping area Gate, next to fence. Great spot. Closest to swap meet. See everything come and go. Front row seating for the MX .
See ya there,

7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.

scott brogan

Hey Dwight and Teddy May I suggest a site right near the the same area but possibly a little north maybe 50 yards or so. The dust in that spot by the fence last year was pretty bad. We camped just up north a little and did'nt get to much. Just a thought. See you there. Scotty



The dust from being right next to the entrance to the camping area was bad enough that Rosemary won't camp there this year. So I am personally forced to find another area for my family. I would love to be with the rest of the camping POGGERS. Since I've only been to that area once, I can't remember where a better area would be. The only area I do remember was along the MX fence with the big trees where we checked in our bikes. I'm sure that you can't see the whole course very well from there, but you could see quite a bit of it and there wouldn't be much dust and it is close to everything else. I think Dwight's suggestion that we get there early on Thursday and make a decision at that time is the right one. Teddy


scott brogan

Hey Teddy We are going to try to get there early also. I only live 40 mi north of Mid-Ohio but I bet I will be rushing. We'll get all together and pick out a low dust spot.
Sound good?


Dwight Rudder

I was thinking similar area next to Road Race track fence . That is about 30 yds or so north of where we were. I don't have a problem there but we lose our seats for the MX. You can't camp where the MX check in is. I would love that area. We have to consider all reasons for camping. I don't want to camp in the back forty because I want to be near the swap meet area. Near where we were there is the concession stand, porta cans, MX spectating, & Swapmeet area. We must also stay out of potential mud holes incase of rain . The location that Scotty is suggesting is my second choice next to where we were. I would say the bit of dust the only negative at old location. The place Scotty is suggesting we would have to get there early enough to block it off say for 6 or more POG campers . Teddy that is straight north of where you were camping to the right hand side of road.

7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.