POG Family Night gathering

Started by Paul Danik, November 24, 2013, 11:16:44 PM

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Paul Danik


   The annual POG Family Night extravaganza will take place on Thursday December 5, 2013. We will be meeting at the KTM building in Amherst, Ohio with the festivities beginning at 7 pm.

   This is a great time to bring along family members, friends, or even an enemy if you have one, for an evening of fellowship and usually enough good food to feed the entire 1973 ISDT support crew:)

   As usual, something special is planned...[}:)]

Hope to see you there,

Al Cutcher

Newbie on forum and mainly been lurking. Don't own a Penton yet. Is this  event open to non pog members too. Want to meet the members and hope to have a Penton soon. Went to school with Ted Liembach , work with Jeff Penton.

Al Cutcher

Paul Danik


  Any and all POG meetings and functions are open to anyone who would like to attend, POG membership is not required. We would be really pleased if you would join us for the evening, and if you would like to bring someone with you, or even a couple of folks, please do.

Hope to see you next Thursday evening.

Al Cutcher

Paul Danik


The POG supplies pizza and soft drink. Numerous folks do bring an item, from desserts to cheese trays to ????  Rest assured you are not required to bring anything, your attendance is what means the most to all of us :)



Last year there was a ton of goodies. Pizza, soda, cookies, cake, and on and on. Someone put in alot of time on a layered jello dish that was really good, almost a shame to cut it up. Had a good turn out last year, and a good time was definately had by all. Calenders were available (hopefully this year too ). Stories told and the chance to put a face to a name and get to know people. (autographs too if you want one).

Paul Danik

It looks like we will be having a heat wave for this years Family Night, that is in comparison to some of the past gatherings.  Amherst is looking to have a high of 51 on Thursday :)

There are some folks traveling great distances for this gathering and the forecast will hopefully provide safe passage for all.


Al Cutcher

Thanks for the nice evening last night. Enjoyed meeting everyone. Wonderful presentation by Ted.

Randy Kirkbride

thrownchain, call or send me an email.
[email protected]



Paul Danik

The POG Family Night was truly an evening to remember, for numerous reasons.

  The wonderful food will long be remembered, thanks to all who supplied those tasty treats.

  As will the festive look of the jam packed KTM meeting room adorned with the KTM orange Christmas tree, which seems to mysteriously appear on POG Family Night each year, thank you very much Mike Rosso..

  Or the very special glimpse into the production of the John Penton Film, thank you Jack Penton.

   As well as for the opportunity to gather and mingle with many of our old friends, who were joined with a number of new folks, whom we now recognize and now consider friends.

   But I feel confident that if all in attendance were asked what was the highlight of the evening, hands down, their answer would be the presentation by "Young Ted", as he told of his riding of the Colorado 500 on his trusty steed, Davie. What came thru load and clear, in not only Ted's words, but also in his photos and video, were the great friendships that Ted has forged as he and Davie trans versed some of the most scenic, and at times difficult terrain one could imagine.

   Ted, hats off to you for showing us all how we might hope to ride not only the mountain trails, but the trail of life as well....


rob w

Family Night moments - as seen through the blurry eye of a less than quality camera.

Vice President, Secretary, and Web Master

One of the aforementioned orange Christmas trees, behind our Treasurer, and Membership officer.

Young Ted accepting a special POG award from President Danik, for his Colorado 500 accomplishments aboard his Penton Sportcycle.
The trophy is actually one of Leroy Winters' personal old trophies.

Every moment of the night was as always a special, and extremely fun time for me. Listening to the adventures of Young Ted was really great.
Personally for me, my favorite part of the night was meeting, and having the coolest conversation with the legendary Barry Higgins.
First to beat the Europeans on our soil - truly the pioneer and grandfather of American professional motocross racing
- and just the nicest guy in the world. I am now the biggest Barry Higgins fan.


This was the second family gathering meeting that I have attended. It was and is a must do at some point for all POG members. You never know who may show up, but the food and friends are always plentiful.

Paul Danik

One of our Special Guests at the POG Family Nite Gathering was Larry Ward, host of the Two Wheel Power Hour, a motorcycle themed radio talk show based out of Youngstown, Ohio.  Larry was so taken with "Young Ted" and his story of riding the Colorado 500 at 85 years young on his Penton that he is going to interview Ted Tuesday evening on the show. The info needed to hear the show live by radio, or on the net, or later on Podcast will be coming shortly and we will post it at that time.

Should be interesting:)
