computer virus

Started by metalkfab, July 03, 2002, 08:12:55 AM

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I'm sorry to all the Pogger's out there.My computer was attacked by a virus and I've received notice from Pog memebers of such.I'll be cleaning and restricting use of my PC so this doesn't happen again. Do Not open any e-mail from me, Karl Schneider

john durrill

Thanks for the warning Metal,
 which virus was it? and where did you get the fix?
will send you some pics of the finished 175 conversion if you will e-mail me at [email protected]
 Glad you found it.
John & Peter


Larry Perkins

I downloaded the virus e-mail from Karl so if you get a download from me it is not from me.  I will always let you know previous if I am sending pictures to download.  I generally don't download unless I know it is coming.  I goofed this time so all beware.  Now I need to find out how to fix it.  Anyone know?



I got the virus too! However, my Norton VP found it and fixed it quick.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


I purchased Norton AntiVirus 2002 via their web site. I don't remember how much it was, but it sure has saved me a bunch.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Larry Perkins

My computer is all clean.  Thanks to McAfee.  I will not download unless I know for sure someone sent it from now on.  If you send me unsolicited pics e-mail me first to let me know.  I guess this McAfee thing should catch it but just in case that is my plan.



Hi All,
This seems to be the same VIRUS that was going around on VINDURO last year. I was affected by it as well as many others. What it does is takes your address list and attaches itself to the list. It will automatically send it to anyone on your list. One way to prevent this is to make a fake address as your first address on the list such as @001 for example. When it trys to send out it can't. This, I'm told will prevent the virus from spreading.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Steve Minor

If I can throw my 2 cents in......every day there is a new virus(s)"invented" and each one has a it's own "definition". I use Norton Anti-virus and periodically I go to their website and download the new virus "definitions" (for free). An anti-virus program can only protect against a virus when it knows the "definition". Does this make sense? Anyway, my point is you need to update from time to time.

Edited by - steve minor on 07/03/2002  3:21:35 PM
Steve Minor

Kip Kern

Sorry about the virus folks, it came through my address book from a friend in Italy.  He indicated it was W32.Higuy@mm so run a scan and check it out.  Don't open any Italian mail!  I am not totally sure what it effects so beware!


Paul Danik

My Norton antivirus picked it up right away.  I wouldn't run without it.  It is like a case protector on a Sachs!!!!!!!!!