Questions about 1971 ISDT, Isle of Man

Started by Tom Penton, January 22, 2015, 03:41:33 AM

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Tom Penton

Hi Everyone!

I'm planning an article about  the 1971 ISDT. It was, as I've related before, somewhat my "epic" ride.

I've garnered some new information and hope to be able to tell about it in some new light.

I have a couple questions to throw out:

1.    Malcolm Smith had a somewhat poor final special test road race, or at least not what he might have been capable of.  I was able to watch his heat as I had already finished my heat and I seem to remember Malcolm not going especially fast, but I was just on the front straight and didn't see him in the corners. I might seem to have heard he was nursing a seizing engine, but then again it might just be a memory foible. I know for a fact Malcolm can burn the asphalt: in the late 1970's Olympiad (1978?) he smoked everyone's ass, mine included, and won the road race portion. Any info?

2.   J N Roberts lost route points. Anyone know why?

3.   I had a "factory" Penton 125. I know this because a. the Austrians were very proud of the machine they provided for me and let me know how much time they spent on it, and b. It went like a banshee, totally unlike anything I'd ridden before.  Does anyone know anything about it?

4.   The Penton 100's seemed to run very well. Dane had his own epic ride, keeping in the hunt with the Europeans, truly terrific. Brother Jack had an especially good road race, 2nd fastest 100. There was a question in a post a couple years ago whether these cylinders were tweaked by the factory, I'm thinking maybe I might remember that as being so. Any answers come back on that?


Tom Penton


Don't worry too much about the facts,,,,:),,,,,just tell it how you remember it. Your memories are what I'd like to hear. I would have loved to ride in an ISDT but I lacked the talent.

Tom Penton

Sorry, got carried away. Point taken. Thanks for replying.

Tom Penton

Tom Penton

Found old Cycle World article:
Question answered: Malcolm biffed.

Other questions, disregard.

Thanks for your patience.

Tom Penton

Lew Mayer

Tom, now that you posed the questions, I'm curious about the answers.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Tom Penton

Working on it...

Meanwhile:  Sometimes it sucks to be so famous all cameras are on you!  (Malcolm's road race fall, from same Cycle World article)

Tom Penton

Kevin Grimes

Guys, I know J.N. Roberts lost route points late in the day Tuesday when he ran out of gas.

Tom Penton

Thanks Kevin for J.N. info and Lew for interest ... still working on it.  Hint: picture of Malcolm's crash is where he lost Top American billing. That honor went from Husky to Penton.

Tom Penton

Tom Penton

From Richard: "Don't worry too much about the facts,,,,,,,,,just tell it how you remember it. Your memories are what I'd like to hear. I would have loved to ride in an ISDT but I lacked the talent."

1971 ISDT Results from

Sorry to have left you out of the thanks, too!

I've been able to have my memory "regained" via some internet info that is relatively recent and that I just saw this week; most specifically the full sixth day results sheet as posted end of event at the 1971 ISDT. What is so significant to me is that I never, up until this past week, saw these results. I had to leave the Isle of Man early prior to results posting in order to go back to DaNang AFB in Vietnam.  After returning from Vietnam, and some time later in Ohio, I asked about the by now the some 6 months ago "ancient history" results, found that no one knew of any copy coming back accross the Atlantic.

On a more general note, I'm quite intrigued and pleased that so much of this old stuff is making it to the internet.  A few years ago I found myself looking up some things from back then with much less success: most things on the internet were from the electronic era where things were written and posted on the internet and thus archived.  Old written stuff I figured would stay stacked in garages. But so many people from around the world are scanning and what-not to bring these old memories alive again. To them I say a hearty thanks! Including, of course, the tireless POG officials and membership!
Tom Penton


Hi Tom,

Keep me posted on any articles that you write or want to write. I am always looking stories and photos to print for the POG "Still Keeping Track" newsletters - especially for our "Tanker Talk" section.

My e-mail address is [email protected]

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner