Penton Steel Tanker in Then Came Bronson

Started by OhioTed, September 25, 2014, 02:06:07 PM

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In the "hillclimb" sequence of the Then Came Bronson movie, there is what appears to be a Penton Steel tanker parked right where Michael Parks character pulls up and talks with the promoter.  Check it out and tell me if I'm right.,d.aWw&cad=rja

Al Martin

couldn't get the link to work but found the movie clip on you tube.
Yep! #612 sure looks like a steel tanker, just has tank painted solid red

Paul Danik

I see Bud Ekins did some of the stunts. Larry Ward and the Two Wheel Power Hour have Michael Parks on their show occasionally.


Gary Roach


Thanks for the post.
Yes, that is a steel tanker Penton.
Also, if you look closely at when Bronson is doing the hill climb, that is not a Harley he is riding. The engine cylinder turns black in color and looks like a two stroke cylinder.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


there is a comment on you tube about the clip of the hillclimb that says the bike used to climb the hill is a 360 cz.