what a

Started by rob w, July 25, 2002, 12:14:43 AM

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rob w

Has anyone done this? I know that my "75" 400 has a 530 chain. Would there be any advantage to switch to a 520? I was told (but was'nt listening well) there is a difference in the thickness of the counter shaft sprockets (over-all,not the teeth) so it needs shimming, is that correct? Is this another one of my lame ideas? Thanks for any imput. Bob

Edited by - rob w on 07/25/2002  12:45:19 AM

john durrill

we have used bout 530 and 520 chain and sprockets. you do need to shim the counter shaft sprocket if you use a 520 sprocket.
 the size that worked for us was about 1.5 mm and we used one of the splined spacer shims from   inside an old KTm 72-76 transmission.
Good 520 is easier to find than 530 chain , so it might help. pluss its a bit lighter all around. dont know that matters at all on our bikes.
 Maybe others on here have some other ways or ideas to do the samething.
John & Peter