Old days, images

Started by rob w, October 05, 2010, 11:59:54 PM

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rob w

The 1978 ISDT U.S. Trophy Team at Sweden. L-R: Jeff Hill , Frank Gallo , Kevin LaVoie , Jack Penton , Ted Leimbach and Rod Bush.

joe novak

Rob,  Thank you for another fine collection of old photos.  It seems like only yesterday....   Joe

joe novak

Rob,  Thank you for another fine collection of old photos.  It seems like only yesterday....   Joe

Dave Mitchell

I don't know about the rest of you I think the old black & whites are bad a**.
Tanks for the mammaries!


the shot of that Steel Tanker on the Scrambles track brings tears of joy and so many memories of those days !!
you can just see the Bultaco with the clip on bars behind the ST,
i ran D-6 and 7 scrambles, short track and 1/2 mile from 71 to 76,

i just love it !!!

thanks Robert,


Mike Gallagher, NJ.
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]

Tom Penton


I've been doing googling & such to catch up on motorcycling stuff, and found this page, which has broken picture links. Google cache had this fuzzy image: Tom Steel Tank 125 Scrambles

Was the original better? Any chance of update on links, or at least the scrambles picture?
I see the term "scrambles" is in vogue, as in the new Ducati Scrambler. I cherish having grown up in that era.


Tom Penton
Tom Penton

rob w

Hi Tom,
This picture of you, is on a 1968 Penton Six-Day one page brochure. It is a small picture, and I have edited it the best I could.

This picture of Jeff is on a 1968 Penton Berkshire one page brochure.

Bob Wardlow

Tom Penton

Thanks, Bob ... Awsome!

Tom Penton
Tom Penton



I just ran across an old "Cycle News: when me and you did battle, I wasn't listed but you are. if you want a scanned copy shoot me your e-mail.


Gary Roach

This one is of Ted Leimbach (left) and Rod Bush at Tick Ridge Raceway near Veto Lake, Ohio over the '76/'77 Winter.


rob w

Mick Milakovic

Less Sound = More Ground T-Shirt a real classic!



Yeah, we need some reprints with a Penton logo on the shirt too.


Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good