Gas/oil ratio

Started by clayman, August 01, 2002, 08:18:04 PM

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Could somebody fill me in (again) on what brand of oil to use and what ratio is best for my 1972 Penton 125?

Also, how many cc's does the gearbox hold. Was it 650cc?
Thanks again,
Clay Light


john durrill

Clay ,
 we used 40 to 1 back when . now lots of folks use 50 to 1 . and golden spectro is my choice for permix. dwight likes an oil made by Maxium ( the spelling is probly wrong)
 for the gear box 700cc is right but you can run a full quart with no ill effects. I use Atf Dextron. but Spectro sells a very good gear lube for the tranny.


Dwight Rudder

Yes, 40:1 of Maxima Super M.
Spectro is good also at 40:1 but is much gummier.

7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.


Hi all!
I use Spectro because it is basically the same oil as Hi Point and that is what I grew up with. Every person will have their own choice of brands. Clay, you just gotta pick one and go with it.

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR