History of Penton Results - AMA Pro MX & SX

Started by rob w, December 04, 2014, 09:17:17 AM

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rob w

Results of Professional Penton riders in AMA Motocross and Supercross 1972 - 1977.

POS. ----    RIDER ------             VENUE -------              CLASS/TYPE ------     DATE

15 --   Pat Freiberger -     Desoto Cycle Ranch -    250MX -       May 7, 1972
9 --    Mike Penland -       Desoto Cycle Ranch -    250MX -       May 7, 1972
19 --   Ray Kohout -         Alabama Inter -        250MX -       Sep 2, 1972
7 --    John Harrington -    Lake Whitney -        250MX -       Aug 12,1973
2 --    Buck Murphy -        Daytona Beach -        250SX -       Mar 10,1974
10 --   Ron Huffman -        Daytona Beach -         250SX -    Mar 10,1974
8 --    Ron Pomeroy -        Houston -                250SX -    Mar 15,1974
7 --    Buck Murphy -        Houston -                250SX -    Mar 15,1974
8 --    Eddie Cole -           Hangtown -         125MX  - Apr 8, 1974
10 --   Buck Murphy -        Hangtown -         250MX -    Apr 8, 1974
9 --    Ron Huffman -      Hangtown -         250MX -    Apr 8, 1974
6 --    Buck Murphy   -    Baymare Park -        250MX -    Apr 14,1974

14 --   Richard Clements - Baymare Park    -   250MX  - Apr 14,1974
11 --   Ron Huffman  -     Baymare Park     -  250MX  - Apr 14,1974
18 --   Ron Self    -      Baymare Park    -   250MX  - Apr 14,1974
14 --   John Franklin -   RedBud  -              250MX  - Apr 28,1974
12 -- Richard Walsworth  -  RedBud      -          250MX -  Apr 28,1974
3  -- John Franklin   -  Gran-Am MX Park     -  250MX  - May 19,1974
16 -- Buck Murphy    -   Los Angeles    -   250SX  - Jun 22,1974
10 -- Charles Cooper  -  Baldwin MX Park    -   125MX  - Jul 6,1974
13 -- Eddie Cole    -      Baldwin MX Park     -  125MX  - Jul 6,1974    

20 -- Eddie Cole -         Mid-Ohio MX Park  -      125MX   Jul 21,1974
12 -- Ron Huffman   -    Delta Motorsport  -   250MX   Aug 11,1974
12 -- Mike Lenz       -   Delta Motorsport    -   500MX   Aug 11,1974
19 -- John Franklin  -   Delta Motorsport    -   250MX  - Aug 11,1974
12 -- Ron Huffman    -   Moto-Masters Park  -  250MX -  Aug 18,1974

20 -- Ron Huffman    -   Highland Hills    -   250MX  - Aug 25,1974
10 -- Dwayne Baehler   - Motocross West    -   500MX -  Sep 2, 1974
17 -- Ron Story     -     Motocross West    -   500MX  - Sep 2, 1974
15 -- Dickey Nowell  -   Baldwin MX Park    -   500MX  - Jun 8, 1975
9  -- Charles Cooper -   Omaha Moto Park    -   125MX  - Jul 13,1975
16 -- Charles Cooper -   Delta Motorsport  -   125MX  - Jul 27,1975

15 -- Dickey Nowell  -   Moto-Masters Park  -  500MX -  Aug 10,1975
13 -- Charles Cooper  -  Motocross West     -  500MX  - Sep 1, 1975
18 -- Frank Stacy   -    Lake Sugar Tree     -   500MX  - Jun 13,1976
19 -- Charles Cooper -   Cycle World USA    -   500MX  - Jul 18,1976
24 -- Charles Cooper  -  Unadilla Motocross  - 500MX  - Aug 1, 1976

21 -- Brad Wallace   -   Sunshine Speedway  -  500MX  - Aug 22,1976
18 -- Frank Stacy     -  Motocross West     -  500MX  - Aug 29,1976
17 -- Charles Cooper -   Motocross West     -  500MX  - Aug 29,1976
16 -- Frank Stacy     -  Anaheim    -           250SX -  Dec 4,1976
16 -- Frank Stacy   -    Daytona Beach     -  250SX  - Mar 12,1977

18 -- Don Kudalski   -   Daytona Beach    -   250SX -  Mar 12,1977
14 -- Frank Stacy   -    Houston 1    -   250SX  - Mar 18,1977
16 -- Frank Stacy    -   Houston 2    -   250SX  - Mar 19,1977    

7  -- Frank Stacy    -   Irving         -      250SX  - Mar 26,1977
8  -- Don Kudalski   -   Pontiac 1 -      250SX  - Apr 2, 1977
10 -- Don Kudalski   -   Pontiac 2    -   250SX -  Apr 3, 1977
14 -- Don Kudalski   -   Hangtown Classic -      250MX -  Apr 10,1977
19 -- Frank Stacy     -  Hillside Park     -  250MX  - Apr 17,1977
22 -- Robert McDaniel  - Omaha Moto Park -      250MX  - Apr 24,1977
15 -- Don Kudalski   -   Omaha Moto Park    -   250MX -  Apr 24,1977
14 -- Monte Anderson  -  Lake Whitney     -   500MX  - Jul 17,1977
25 -- Roger Brown    -   Cycle World USA -      500MX   Jul 23, 1977

10 -- Frank Stacy   -    Unadilla Motocross -  500MX  - Jul 31,1977
21 -- Roger Brown -      Unadilla Motocross  - 500MX  - Jul 31,1977
13 -- Frank Stacy    -   Metrolina Speedway  - 500MX  - Aug 7, 1977

21 -- Monte Anderson  -  Sunshine Speedway  -  500MX  - Aug 28, 1977

tooclose racing

Thanks Rob - great research.  Questions:

1.  Are the guys riding 250s in 1972 on prototypes/pre-release 250s?  I thought the Hare Scrambler was a 1973 bike (first year).

2.  Eddie Cole - west coast or east coast guy?  And was he a "factory" Penton rider?  Mettco?  Love to see what his bike looked like if anyone has a picture.

jeff greenberg

I believe that Eddie Cole was on a factory kawasaki

rob w

Jeff, I know Eddie Cole rode a Kaw. but supposedly these are all Penton riders. I got the info from here -> Racer X On-line -> http://vault.racerxonline.com/
Click on 'Results by brand', click 'Penton', click 'all years'.

Bob, I would guess those first 3 races from '72, riders were on Jackpiners in the 250 class.

jeff greenberg

Yeh, it's possible Eddie had Penton on his pre entry form.  Then along came the Kawasaki deal.  Just speculating. The Racer X Vault is really cool!!
Thanks for putting the list together for us to enjoy!!

brian kirby

I'm pretty sure those guys in '72 listed in the 250 class were on 175s, I dont think Jack even rode a 250 (Moiseev's GP bike) until early '73.


Mick Milakovic

12 -- Richard Walsworth - RedBud - 250MX - Apr 28,1974

I'm pretty sure I own this bike.  My brother bought it used less than one season from Buck Walsworth in Valparaiso.  Buck told my brother it was Rick's ex-Pro race bike.


brian kirby


Mick Milakovic

Yes sir.  Not painted the correct color, but that's the bike.


brian kirby

That is cool! I didn't know that bike had a special story behind it.
