Time to give thanks

Started by john durrill, August 04, 2002, 12:54:08 PM

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john durrill

 We have been wanting to do this for over a month and just have not had the time to sit down and write it down,
 We would like to thank all the people on 4 continents that helped us with the 125 /175 conversion.
 Speedy ,Rick Grant , Dwight , Bobby Lucas, Doug wilford, Barry Higgins and David in SA for the help in the planning stages as to what might be required and how we might go about it.
 Leo , Gunther and Martin in Germany for info in the 175/6 sachs and a parts book on the same. You Folks in Germany were a great help and at just the right moment in time!!!!!
 The Hammers in Germany for the engine cases that set the whole thing in motion.
 To Mattijn in Holland who supplied the last piece of the puzzle and lots of advise.
 Larry Perkins , Al Bunhner, and Jake Fisher who were able to come up with the big parts to make it happen.
 To Phil Schloss for the small parts and some used ones to do mock ups. With out these it would have taken much longer to do and may of the parts would have had to be hand made.
 To Mark and Adrian in Ausssie land that helped with Trapp and Lectron info and reports on how this top end worked on a 73 Piner.
 To Eugine a local welder who did all the aluminum work on the intake and cylinder base.
 To all the folks in the group that were kind enough to give me feed back on ideas and what worked for them ( Sorry Guys way to many for me to remember the names of )
 To the guys at Lectron who though are hard to get up with are a big help with getting jetting in the ball park.
 And most of all to the Lord who sits buy me and gives me the answers if I will just sit still long enough to listen ( you guys don't really think I could do something like this by my self do you? :>)))
 John & Peter