no knobby tires - early KTM scooters

Started by Leo Keller, December 11, 2015, 03:12:49 AM

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Mike Rosso

Leo, great story and write up! Several very interesting facts I've learned, THANK YOU. The one about the silencer and Dr. Leistritz was one that was great as I've owned(still own two) three early '70's BMW cars (2x '72, 2002, and 1 '73 2002 tii, O=00=O ) all with Leistritz "Sport Sound" exhaust systems/mufflers. My wife's '81 Sirocco also currently has a Leistritz exhaust. Was the "Frankfurter Topf" Dr. Leistritz's first silencer and is he the same gentleman that went on to make the automotive exhausts? If so then that is another first and feather in their cap for KTM. :) Leistritz (if they are the same company?) still manufactures exhaust systems and much more today:  

"It was from the road models that the "Frankfurter Topf" silencer was developed by – of all people – a lawyer from Germany, Dr. Leistritz. As well as reducing noise, which was important even back in the 50s, the silencer also ensured better performance from the engine."

Thanks again Leo for always sharing these interesting stories about Penton and KTM.


Leo Keller

I tried to find out some more informations about Dr. Leistritz, but without success. I know that there is a report about that "Frankfurter Topf" silencer, written by Dr. Leistritz himself in an old "Motorrad" copy from 1955, but my archive starts at 1957 :-(.
The Leistritz company was founded 1905 in Nurnberg and they started the production of silencers for cars and motorcycles in 1925.
In the German online phone book you will find only 40 persons with the "Leistritz", so this name is very rare.
My guess is that Dr. Leistritz was a member of the Leistritz family.

The silencer was made from cast aluminium, the parts were bolted to take it apart for cleaning. KTM got the license to produce the "System Dr. Leistritz" silencers for their own machines and other brands.

Leo Keller

edit: I found 2 copies from 1955 on ebax and hope to get them next week to answer the question, if the lawyer Dr. Leistritz was involved in the Leistritz company