
Started by Lothar, March 15, 2016, 08:04:27 PM

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Check out florida's treasure coast motorcycle section might be interesting.


Sorry for being so vague,Go to motorcycle section by owner search vintage,seems to be a mudlark there


Yes, yes there is.

Dale Fisher

If... anyone can get the frame number I would like to add it to the registry.

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Gordon Brennan

Well, I tried. Even had a guy in Florida lined up to go pay for it. But it looks like they didn't want to wait for me to come get it, or find a way to get it to New England.

Dale Fisher

That was a tough listing to locate and didn't seem to show up in a general search tempest Craig's scan.  It shows there might be a bargain or two out there to be had that slips by the sleuths ;)  My understanding is this bike will soon be off to a new home.  

Thank you "Lothar" !

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
'98 HP-14 Hi-Point
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Gordon Brennan

Interesting. "My understanding" was that my house was the new home. I made them a full asking price offer and had a guy I know in Florida who could go pay for it yesterday. My guess is someone else came along and offered more than the asking price.


First guy there with the cash usually takes it.

Gordon Brennan

That would be me Dan. There was only one other buyer at the time I contacted them, and he couldn't get to it for a couple weeks. So I said I would take it and pay for it in full right then.

Cal Alexander

Guys, let me solve the mystery on this one. I purchased the bike yesterday for $600. I texted the seller (Beth) and she said it was available. I sent her another text and said I would take it but my bike hauler couldn't pick it up for two weeks and asked if she was OK with that. I waited for two hours and didn't hear back from her so I called her back. She said if I would do a direct bank transfer for the entire amount to her fathers estate. I could have it. I went right to the bank and wired the money. They moved the bike today as she and her brother are clearing off her fathers property and needed to move it out of the way. She said she had several other calls and texts on the bike yesterday as "someone  had posted it on a Penton Web site." Anyway thats the full story. Paid $600 and it was a straight up deal. Not sure who called on it first but I got the impression from her that I had and that's why she sold it to me. Very nice lady! Many thanks to Lothar for finding this one.
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

Gordon Brennan

Congrats to you Cal! You did call first, as I stated above. I was second, but you were there. You're right, they seemed like very nice people. She texted me this morning, apologizing that it was sold.
Good luck with it. I love mine!



Glad to see the bike found a new home.Hate to see any of this stuff from back in the day disappear.Always looking and when i see somthing i do my best to find it a home.You guys made it easy.Means alot to me to.Peace

Cal Alexander

Guys here's a better picture of that Florida Wassall. Looks like its pretty much a complete bike with most of the hard to find stuff intact. Again many thanks to Lothar for the great find and to Gordon for helping me to finally figure out how to post photo's on this site. :D

75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

Gordon Brennan