VMD 2016 PHOTOS! first set

Started by OhioTed, July 24, 2016, 07:49:40 AM

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No shortage of folks lined up to get Mr. Penton's autograph.

Wonder how many marker pens JP goes through throughout VMD weekend?

And then these guys showed up with a giant poster to be signed.

Didn't catch where the poster was bound for.  AMA HOF museum, possibly?

Lee Buffenmyer's super-trick Berkshire hillclimber, complete with original, period gear.

Lee also had this cool poster board with vintage pics and info detailing his exploits on the bike back in the day.

Jack had Penton Racing vendor spot set up right across from the POG tent.

Jack and Barbara had plenty of interested parties stopping by to inquire for product information and to make purchases.

In addition to a nice group of Penton motorcycles on display were this bunch.  My understanding is that the Herc belongs to Tommy Garrett?

Conrad Phieffer and Paul Danik, with a classic piece of Penton memorabilia.

Great little Penton mini-replica.