POG Family night Dec. 6

Started by Paul Danik, November 29, 2018, 09:04:00 AM

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Paul Danik


   The annual Penton Owners Group family night meeting / extravaganza is rapidly approaching. This year the event takes place on Thursday December 6th. with the festivities beginning at 7 pm, or when ever POG President John Penton decides to pound the gavel :)

    The location will once again be in the meeting room of the KTM building, Amherst, Ohio. Last year we had to use a different meeting room due to on going renovations at KTM, but this year we will be back in our usual meeting room where our monthly meetings are held.

   Some folks do bring some treats to share but that is not a requirement. Pizza and soft drinks are supplied. What is most desired at this event is your attendance, along with whomever you may wish to bring along. Rest assured you and / or your guest do not need to be Penton Owners Group members to attend. If you have been thinking about attending a meeting to see what the fuss is all about, this is a good one to attend.

   What to expect... brief POG business meeting, tasty treats, usually a bit of shenanigans along with sharing time with your POG family and friends.  

   Click the link below to see some photos of a POG family night from days gone by.



PS  As you look at the photos you will see in the third picture that three attendees were required to sit on modern KTMs in full riding gear including helmets during the meeting, THEY WERE LATE !!!!  Not sure if President Penton would dish out such a penalty to anyone showing up after the gavel slams down, but you can't say you weren't warned  :)


If that is the penalty for dropping a couple of minutes, what happens if you "hour out"?

Paul Danik


That is a good question, possibly no second trip thru the food line :), but either way I sure hope to be in the room and seated when the Pres. drops the hammer ! I would need a step ladder to get on one of those machines...:D


rob w

Capping off our 2018 PENTON 50th Golden Anniversary year, tomorrow night. Wouldn't miss it - join in on the fun.


Paul, I am working over this afternoon. I will be late.my question is, do I need to bring my own helmet?

Paul Danik


I don't think so, you probably have one  of them old open faced helmets that would allow you to nibble a bit on the goodies as you sit in the corner...or I mean on the KTM along the wall....the full faced job makes it hard to sneak a plate of snacks and they are supplied...:)  

Always looking for a little edge are ya...reminds me of someone else...


Looking forward to seeing everyone,

Paul Danik


   The 2018 POG Family Night extravaganza is now history, but what an incredible evening it was, as anyone who was there will surely attest to.

   There is no end to the list of folks who helped in so many ways to make the evening such a success and to each and every one of you, THANK YOU !

   There were many stories told, but a Gentleman stopped by where I was seated and told me one that I would like to pass along.

   His story centered around Al Born and what an influence Al was on him "back in the day".  I would guess this Gentleman was about the same age as Al as well. The gist of the story was the fact that in recent history a gas tank was sold on eBay for a very hefty sum, turns out the Gentleman told me that he had bought that gas tank. And the reason he paid such a hefty sum for that tank, his good friend Al Born had signed it..... Pretty neat !



I also spoke to that gentleman. I believe he said his name was Jerry Peabody.he told me, that back in the day , Dad told him to sell his Yamaha and buy a Husky. He also talked about racing at the old  track in Lagrange, Ohio, the only other track i remember from back then, Meadowlarks being the other one. I will look at some of the results in Dad's scrapbook to see if I can find him.