Steel Tank Penton frame for sale SOLD

Started by Paul Danik, March 04, 2017, 07:55:40 PM

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Paul Danik


   sold  Thank you  !

   I came across a Steel Tank Penton frame that I had forgotten about and wanted to see if any of you would be interested in it.

   For many years this frame was tucked away in the rafters of a garage in Amherst, Ohio owned by a gentleman who had worked in the Penton R & D department, "back in the day". When the frame was eventually taken down from the rafters it still was wrapped in the original paper that KTM used to wrap new frames before shipment. What is interesting to me is that this frame has a serial number stamped into it, V6638. Other bare Penton frames shipped from KTM that I am familiar with have not had a serial number stamped into them as the dealer would stamp the frame when he used it as a replacement.

    This frame, still wrapped in the shipping paper, was eventually sold along with the R & D employees personal low number 68' Steel Tanker to another Amherst resident, whom he was very good friends with. When the new owner of the early Steel Tanker decided to do some restoration work on it, he unwrapped the frame and bolted the components of his 68' to it so that he could ride it while doing a slow restoration job on the frame and tank of the 68'. Once the frame and tank were ready, he just unbolted the components from V6638 and re-bolted them back on the 1968 frame where they belonged.

    Eventually I acquired the 68' Steel Tanker, and bare frame V6638. I had totally forgotten about this frame till I came across it as I am going through stuff and dispersing of some excess items.

    Here are a few notes about this frame. V6638 has NO swing arm with it. It is visible where some of the components were bolted to it and it has some shelf wear, that being said it still is in remarkable original condition for being in the range of 45 years old. The "Made in Austria" decal is on it and in very good condition. There is nothing bolted to the frame, it is bare. I will be glad to send photos to anyone who has an interest so that they can make their own evaluation of frame V6638.

[email protected]

     The price is $ 400.00 with the buyer responsible of any shipping charges. If the buyer is attending an event that I am attending I will surely deliver it for no charge, but would expect payment when said buyer agrees to purchase it.
    On the POG Frame Number List V6683 is the highest number listed so this frame, V6638, is surely one of the last batch built by KTM for the Steel Tank Penton before switching over production to the CMF machines.
