9th Annual Carolinas White Lightning Cross Country

Started by BlueRidgePathfinder, December 30, 2016, 11:31:37 AM

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Quotequote:Originally posted by dennis brown

I got in touch with  mark hyde he has not called back yet. I see the ama national endure is same week end,i think he will be there for support

dennis l.brown

Thanks Dennis.

Yep, KTM will have Mark busy at the Alligator.

It surely would be good to see him again one day.



One down. One to go.

Cool Bike Award trophies for our 9th Annual Carolinas White Lighting Cross Country Classic to benefit the Armenia United Methodist Church of Chester Country, South Carolina.

Our event is Rounds 1 & 2 of the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA) John Penton / Preston Petty National Cross Country Series.

Waiting for the second jug to arrive.


We have had a lot of calls and e-mails today from folks worried about yesterday's snow, and its effect on conditions for the weekend's race.

Here on the banks of South Crowders Creek, thirty-four miles north of the race site, we got a couple of inches of beautiful, wet, fluffy snow from 4:00 A.M. Sunday until about 10:30 A.M. Sunday. Then the sun proceeded to come out brightly , the temperature rose to 49, and ALL of the snow was gone by 3:00 P.M..

Today drizzling rain started mid-afternoon, but is supposed to be gone by morning.

The ground has been dry around here the past several weeks. There was a burning ban in force over the weekend at the race site due to high winds and dry conditions. We are supposed to have high winds again tomorrow, which will dry us out again.

The long-range forecast for our race site is looking great right now at:

Friday, Sunny and 62. Low Friday night into Saturday morning is 46.

Saturday, 20% chance of rain early, and a high of 68. Low Saturday night into Sunday morning is 37.

Sunday, Sunny and 62.

We are looking forward to a beautiful and wonderful weekend of AHRMA racing.

Y'all come!

Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer

dennis brown

here in extreme northeast ohio  they are calling for big snows!!I will leave on wen. hope snow stops.see you there

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Quotequote:Originally posted by Lew Mayer

See you there, Al. :D

Lew Mayer

Looking forward to seeing your smiling face Lew.


Quotequote:Originally posted by dennis brown

here in extreme northeast ohio  they are calling for big snows!!I will leave on wen. hope snow stops.see you there

dennis l.brown

Safe travels Dennis.  It wouldn't be the same without you.

dennis brown

when I get to Mansfield ohio should be ok from there  see you friday

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Young Ray Newton's nearly 1000 photos for our 9th Annual Carolinas White Ligtning Cross Country Class can be found at:



I would like to thank all of you who attended our 9th Annual Carolinas White Lightning Cross Country Classic to benefit the Armenia United Methodist Church of Chester County, South Carolina.

I surely hope you all had a good time.

I have to give credit where credit is due.  Here is the list of volunteers from AHRMA, the Blue Ridge Pathfinders Motorcycle Club, and the Family Riders Motorcycle Club who make this event a success.

And this doesn't include the fine folks from the Armenia United Methodist Church who setup for and prepare the two delicious breakfasts, and the wonderful steak dinner.

David Brown
Dennis Brown               
Dan Clemmer                      
Doug Cochran
Billy Duc    
Pete Gaskins    
Marvin Grant               
Larry Griffin                
Polly Grow
Tim Grow                    
Chad Hamilton       
Becky Hayes
Greg Holder   
Ray Lewis                  
David Lineberger             
Chris Mann                
Bryan Newton    
Peter Newton
Ray Newton      
David Noll
Howard Noll       
Mark Price       
Jon Prytherch      
Mike Rhinehart      
T.P. Rourke   
Al Roof                   
Bill Ryburn   
Bill Schaefer      
Phil Sims       
James Smith               
Vivian Stebleton              
Mark Tart    
Robert Wilcox   
Stacey Wakefield
Judy Zachary

We look forward to seeing you all next year at the 10th Annual Carolinas White Lightning Cross Country Classic.

Happy trails,

Al Roof    


Check out this cool video from The White Lightning Cross Country Classic by the Newton Family, members of my Blue Ridge Pathfinders Motorcycle Club.
