Getting a Title

Started by Mick Milakovic, May 26, 2017, 12:55:52 PM

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Mick Milakovic

Hi All, I was wondering what was involved in getting a title for our old bikes in other states, and if one could be gotten from another state?

Here's my dilemma:  I bought some 1971-72 CL350 Hondas in an auction and all I got was a bill of sale. Here in Indiana I need a police officer to inspect the VIN, then go in front of a judge to hear my case and pay the court fees.    

I talked to my son-in-law, a police officer in Alabama, and he said their BMV won't issue lost titles for bikes older that 1980.

Surely there is an easier way?



Vt DMV, you won't get a title from Vt, you'll get what is a transferable registration which can be used as ownership paperwork in other states. This should get you a title when you transfer to your state's paperwork.

Don Roth

I have had a good experience with these folks. Not free, but legal.



Do you know anyone well from Alabama? "Give" them the bike,(Pre 1980) then "buy" it from them with a notarized bill of sale(no title state before then) have it inspected in your state,take inspection papers and notarized bill of sale to the title dept.(don't know about Indiana but works in a state next to it.)I've been told this can work,never did it but if I did,I'd never admit it! The title business in Alabama used to do this,don't know if they still do,used to advertise in Waldeck's. Make absolutely sure(with your son-in-law) that the bike has never been stolen or everyone gets in trouble!! I registered a  Ducati Bronco 20 yrs ago built from pieces,had bills of sale on the frame,engine,tank,(non notarized,different bikes),took it to an Ohio Highway patrol station,they checked the numbers,looked at the bills of sale and proceeded to stamp huge,ugly numbers on the frame,gave me more paperwork,can't remember fee, then took the paperwork to the Title Department and got a legal title.


The motorecyclenow. Com site runs you thru Vt DMV and charges you for what you can do direct.

derek martin

Do a forum search on "Bonded Title" and you'll come across a post I made on 3/4/2016 regarding my experience obtaining titles in Illinois. The Vermont route didn't work for me. Not sure if Indiana has a process similar to the bonded title.

Kip Kern


I have the local police run a stolen vehicle check, provide a bill of sale and take that with proof of payment to the court house, get a court ordered title and go to the BMV and get a title.  About $100 total and have done it several times in the past with Pentons.  Oh yes, proof of insurance also (fire and theft about $50 a year per bike, State farm)