Cool sticker

Started by Steve Minor, December 04, 2017, 04:20:17 PM

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I did a check on the POG member list and you were marked with your membership expiring in August of 2016.

You will need to check to see if you renewed your membership since the expiration date and contact Dale Fisher with that information. He can then go through the receipt books to confirm that your dues was paid and get you reinstated on the active list.

The POG has 485 active members and more than the same number of inactive members. It is almost a full time job keeping track of dues payment. Computer glitches and senior moments can cause problems which is why it is best to pay dues by check so that there is a track record on your end. If paying in cash, try to hold onto your receipt for proof of payment in case a problem like this arises. A renewal date or receipt number will help Dale track down and confirm payments on his end.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner