Twenty years, plus a day or so ago....a look back

Started by Paul Danik, January 24, 2018, 10:21:18 AM

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Paul Danik


   On January 22, 1998, what was going to become the Penton Owners Group held a meeting at Dale's Barris's PENTON HONDA in Amherst, Ohio.

     According to the minutes of that meeting, in attendance were Norm Miller, Dale Barris, Matt Weisman, Paul Danik, Dane Leimbach, Jack Penton and Alan Buehner.

Some of the highlights of the meeting are as follows:

The official name of the Group would be the Penton Owners Group.

Yearly dues would be $ 20.00

Amherst, Ohio would be the base of operations.

The proposed constitution and bylaws were discussed and several changes made as needed.

Alan Buehner was tapped to serve as President but no other officer positions were filled at this time, but it was pointed out that a Secretary and Treasurer would be needed when the AMA Charter application would be filed.

Norm Miller would open a post office box at the Amherst post office.

Paul Danik would contact the State of Ohio for the needed incorporation paperwork.

A question was raised as to what happened to the old records from Penton. Jack Penton surmised that they may be in the upstairs of John Penton's garage and that an exploratory visit would need to take place.

It was agreed that John Penton would have Honorary lifetime membership number 1 and Donna Penton number 2.

The next meeting was scheduled for 7:30 on February 26th. at PENTON HONDA, Amherst, Ohio.

I would like to note that these early meetings may seem a bit drab according to the minutes, but the enthusiasm among the assembled folks was pretty much off the meter as everyone was anxious to get the formalities taken care of and to get busy with the task at hand....

While the next twenty years, plus a day or so that brings us up to today have had some sad times, what lay ahead for the Penton Owners Group on that January day in 1998 has been an incredible ride that no matter how you look at it all leads back to the passion of one person to follow his dreams and inspire others to join in the fun.

Of course that person is John Penton.


Larry Perkins


As a relatively new POG guy (joined 2 years ago) I would like to extend my thanks to those early pioneers that started POG and to all that have served to keep these great sportbikes alive.

Great history and great members that enjoy the hobby of restorations and racing.





Thanks for sharing this small part of POG history.
This is just a taste of what is being written and put together for the next special POG newsletter. It is going to be the 50th Anniversary special edition with articles on the past 50 years of Penton, Hi-Point Accessories, Hi-Point trailer, The Penton Owners group, and a 50 year Penton time line. [:p]
This is going to be a collectors edition that only POG members will receive. If you are not a dues paying POG member I would recommend that you print out an application form and join up now. This newsletter is scheduled to be mailed out around the 2nd week of February so that members will receive it before the big 50th anniversary meet in March.

If you are holding back on attending the 50th anniversary celebration, I suggest that you rethink about going. Amherst, Ohio is Mecca to anyone who owns a Penton or KTM motorcycle or has any interest in the brand. This is where it all started and continues today. It is wonderful and proper that the event is going to be held at the KTM facility. We have many people who are making plans to fly into Cleveland Hopkins airport and rent a car to attend this event. It is where we need to be at least once in this lifetime.

As far as the information regarding that organizational meeting, I wasn't tapped to be President. My only interest at that time was to get the club up and running and then step back and let someone else run the show. I was the one running the agenda for those first meetings and it was like trying to ride your bike through a mud bog. You could see where you needed to be but it was a long struggle to get there. When it came time to pick a president, I asked if there was a volunteer. Everyone just sat on their hands and looked at me. That how I was chosen to be president.
It is funny how things turn out the way you don't expect them to. The past 20 years have proven that it was all GOOD!

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Rick Penno

Pat Oshaughnessy

As  a new member i cant thank all enough many thanks :)


As a relatively new POG guy (joined 2 years ago) I would like to extend my thanks to those early pioneers that started POG and to all that have served to keep these great sportbikes alive.

Great history and great members that enjoy the hobby of restorations and racing.





Thanks for sharing this small part of POG history.
This is just a taste of what is being written and put together for the next special POG newsletter. It is going to be the 50th Anniversary special edition with articles on the past 50 years of Penton, Hi-Point Accessories, Hi-Point trailer, The Penton Owners group, and a 50 year Penton time line. [:p]
This is going to be a collectors edition that only POG members will receive. If you are not a dues paying POG member I would recommend that you print out an application form and join up now. This newsletter is scheduled to be mailed out around the 2nd week of February so that members will receive it before the big 50th anniversary meet in March.

If you are holding back on attending the 50th anniversary celebration, I suggest that you rethink about going. Amherst, Ohio is Mecca to anyone who owns a Penton or KTM motorcycle or has any interest in the brand. This is where it all started and continues today. It is wonderful and proper that the event is going to be held at the KTM facility. We have many people who are making plans to fly into Cleveland Hopkins airport and rent a car to attend this event. It is where we need to be at least once in this lifetime.

As far as the information regarding that organizational meeting, I wasn't tapped to be President. My only interest at that time was to get the club up and running and then step back and let someone else run the show. I was the one running the agenda for those first meetings and it was like trying to ride your bike through a mud bog. You could see where you needed to be but it was a long struggle to get there. When it came time to pick a president, I asked if there was a volunteer. Everyone just sat on their hands and looked at me. That how I was chosen to be president.
It is funny how things turn out the way you don't expect them to. The past 20 years have proven that it was all GOOD!

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Rick Penno

Pat Oshaughnessy

As  a new member i cant thank all enough many thanks :)