frame parts where are the die stamps now

Started by mosesnra, September 15, 2002, 10:07:17 AM

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was just wondering if anybody ever tried to find out what happened to the die stamps that were used to make penton frames . most of the parts are stamped metal weld ons. i was wondering because castro back in the 60s
gor all of the 56-57 stamp molds for the presses. thats why cuba only sales new chevies. perhaps we could get hold of them or somebody for after market replacements .

dean    [email protected]
dean    [email protected]


rolling punch presses are pretty cheap at auction depending on size 10 ton to 100 ton.
all you need is the tooling stamps. i worked industrial maintenance. if the dies can be had it wouldnt be hard to make out of chromoly metal sheets. just a thought.

dean    [email protected]
dean    [email protected]

rob w

Hey Dean, I've gotten two frames for free and passed up numerous opportunities to buy a frame for 20 bucks. Why would you go through the trouble and apx. $60,000 to try and make a frame. Do you know why frames are lying around and the last thing to be thrown out? It's because they won't fit in the trash can. Rob



rob you are oone of the lucky ones when you get some extra frames to pass up post them here. but my point was where are you going to get a busted frame mount piece. if thats what you need. if you look at the frame all
of its pieces are stamped chromoloy are not going to find them.

dean    [email protected]
dean    [email protected]