What does it take to be a Winning ISDT/E Rider?

Started by wfopete, August 01, 2018, 01:03:18 PM

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I (well we all do) have an opportunity to support several ISDE riders.  I am considering supporting one rider with major dollars and this is his first time in the ISDE breech. I would like to approach my choice to support him like a job interview; meaning prove to me that you are the best qualified rider.  So my question to those who have been or are closely associated with ISDT/E riders is what should a rider show or prove to rise to the top of the list?

Obviously the rider has to have speed/talent when on the bike but I'm looking for some other factors that would prove that this one rider is the best choice. For instance discipline and maturity.  Are those a key aspect of a successful Six Days rider?  How about financial backing?  Should they show that they have the finances to pay the way or a plan to "Get there from here" financially?  Oh and what if you are unable to attend the ISDE?  Do you plan to reimburse your donors and how? What about injuries and health?  Are there old or new injuries that could limit thier ability to "Go the distance"?  How about mechanical skills?  Would it be fair to ask them to prove how fast they can change a tire,  bleed brakes, replace bars etc under "austere" conditions. Just because the rider qualified for the ISDE doesn't mean they will make the cut when the Six Days is underway.

If you were going to invest in a rider are these fair questions to ask?

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Pat Oshaughnessy

All good & fair questions! My 2 cents & worth every penny[^]