November POG meeting....coming up very soon !

Started by Paul Danik, October 27, 2018, 06:24:00 PM

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Paul Danik


   The Penton Owners Group meeting for November will take place on Thursday November 1st in the KTM meeting room, our usual meeting location. POG President John Penton will be presiding over the meeting and will get things rolling at approximately 7 pm.

   For those who do plan ahead, the December POG meeting will be taking place on Thursday December 6th. and will be our Annual Family Night extravaganza. If you only make one POG meeting per year, this is the one to attend as lots of goodies are provided. While socializing and munching might not be listed on the official agenda, they are very much a part of the evening. As the Family Night name implies, please feel free to bring along any guests as you might wish, young or old. The Borer Family has had three generations in attendance numerous times so feel free to bring those younger folks along as well, as they just might turn out to be our future leaders.

   As with all POG functions, membership in the Penton Owners Group is not required.


Paul Danik


   One big day is pretty much over, that being Halloween, and another is just around the corner, that being the November POG meeting
:D. Lots of interesting things to talk about and plan as there seems to be an abundance of opportunities coming up for the Group to tell the Penton story and have a lot of fun as well.

  Come one...come all and join in the fun tomorrow night at the November POG meeting.
