Mick Milakovic AHRMA National XC champ. Twice.

Started by tooclose racing, February 18, 2019, 04:46:17 PM

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tooclose racing

I was just looking at my latest issue of Vintage Views and -Good Lawd Almighty - I see that Mighty Mick won both a Vintage and Post Vintage XC championships this year. Congratulations, youngster!

I already read about your trials and tribulations on your other thread -so spare us ;), but just for us other "youngsters" who are considering heading out on the road in pursuit of this glory and gold, would you mind replying with what rounds you attended and any advice you would pass along regarding rounds, etc.  :D

PS - if James Lubnieski is reading this - let us acknowledge his 2017 AHRMA XC championship.  He too may offer advice or these long, strange journeys!  [8D]

Larry Perkins


And you you too Larry!  Well done...

1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1977 250 GS6


Advice?  Consistency.... Do you what to be a hero or a champion?  Always keep the big picture front and center.  Also, spend the time to be sure your bike is "perfect" for every event; lots of oil changes, replace anything that looks worn before it breaks. The last thing you want is to travel 1,000 miles, and DNF because the hose clamp on your carb stripped out, and the carb is floating in the breeze....  Don't assume anything, and never underestimate your opponents.....  Lastly...  have lots of FUN visiting different areas of the country.....  Good luck Bob!

1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1977 250 GS6

dennis brown

dennis l.brown

Larry Perkins

Thanks James!  That is the 6th of my 11 National Championships taken on MC5 Pentons and 10th of 11 taken on Pentons.  I love the MC5 the best of all Pentons.  They always fit my vertically challenged frame well.  LOL! This year will do a Penton and a Yamaha in MX and PVMX and a Penton and a Yamaha in Vintage and PV Cross Country.

Larry P

Mick Milakovic

Thanks All, it was a blast and I want to echo James (skiracer) response in being consistent and prepared.  I rode 24 motos with two DNFs:  one on my jackpiner when I didn't adjust the chain properly and wrapped it around the countershaft sprocket (first race of the year), and the other on my automatic 360 Husky at the last race of the year in Oklahoma with a flat tire.  

I'd also like to add that you need deep pockets.  Some of you know that I deliver pizzas on the weekends for "vacation" money.  I saved for a year to be able to do last season.  I've never been able to find the time and/or money to race an entire season, and it was a goal.  Like I said it was a blast, but this year will be very local in my travels and expenses.  I chose the rounds last year based on available time and not "the destination events", and also focused on the double-event weekends to be more efficient with my time.

AHRMA Rounds:
Buffalo South Carolina - 1168 miles round trip
Grand Cane, Louisiana - 1688
Ramsey, Illinois - 412
Combs, Arkansas - 1212
Friendsville, Maryland - 886
Henryetta, Oklahoma - 1408
East Moline, Illinois ISDTRR - 548

Total AHRMA Miles traveled = 7,322

Throw in a trip to the west coast delivering bikes for customers and seeing my daughters and the mileage jumps to about 15,000 in 2018. In addition, I competed in a Mid-Ohio MX with my MC5 and the Roselawn, Indiana Family Enduro with my Harescrambler.

James, I don't know how you do it traveling by yourself, but I couldn't, and wouldn't have done it without my traveling partners.  My wife Beth and our Newfoundland dog "Sonic' went with me to 90% of the events, and Gary Ellis and I went to Mid Ohio and the ISDTRR together.  There's a saying in vintage racing that "it's all about the bikes", but I beg to differ.  Without someone to share the experience it would be meaningless, at least to me.  

Bob, thanks for the opportunity to rant a bit;  I'm not a major player in the racing or restoring world, but I love the bikes and the people and to some extent hope to be doing this as long as "Young Ted".  Can you all believe he just road ANOTHER Colorado 500?

Keep between the ditches,


derek martin


Mick, I sing a lot while driving...  Nobody will travel with me and listen to my voice.....

Quotequote:Originally posted by Mick Milakovic

Thanks All, it was a blast and I want to echo James (skiracer) response in being consistent and prepared.  I rode 24 motos with two DNFs:  one on my jackpiner when I didn't adjust the chain properly and wrapped it around the countershaft sprocket (first race of the year), and the other on my automatic 360 Husky at the last race of the year in Oklahoma with a flat tire.  

I'd also like to add that you need deep pockets.  Some of you know that I deliver pizzas on the weekends for "vacation" money.  I saved for a year to be able to do last season.  I've never been able to find the time and/or money to race an entire season, and it was a goal.  Like I said it was a blast, but this year will be very local in my travels and expenses.  I chose the rounds last year based on available time and not "the destination events", and also focused on the double-event weekends to be more efficient with my time.

AHRMA Rounds:
Buffalo South Carolina - 1168 miles round trip
Grand Cane, Louisiana - 1688
Ramsey, Illinois - 412
Combs, Arkansas - 1212
Friendsville, Maryland - 886
Henryetta, Oklahoma - 1408
East Moline, Illinois ISDTRR - 548

Total AHRMA Miles traveled = 7,322

Throw in a trip to the west coast delivering bikes for customers and seeing my daughters and the mileage jumps to about 15,000 in 2018. In addition, I competed in a Mid-Ohio MX with my MC5 and the Roselawn, Indiana Family Enduro with my Harescrambler.

James, I don't know how you do it traveling by yourself, but I couldn't, and wouldn't have done it without my traveling partners.  My wife Beth and our Newfoundland dog "Sonic' went with me to 90% of the events, and Gary Ellis and I went to Mid Ohio and the ISDTRR together.  There's a saying in vintage racing that "it's all about the bikes", but I beg to differ.  Without someone to share the experience it would be meaningless, at least to me.  

Bob, thanks for the opportunity to rant a bit;  I'm not a major player in the racing or restoring world, but I love the bikes and the people and to some extent hope to be doing this as long as "Young Ted".  Can you all believe he just road ANOTHER Colorado 500?

Keep between the ditches,


1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1977 250 GS6


Congrat's Mick!! Just read the AHRMA MAG and seen your well earned championships in 2018. You give guys like me who just getting back into the vintage scene motivation. Great results and I hope to see at an event sometime in 2019.