Penton Day at the Packard Museum Sat. May11

Started by Paul Danik, April 01, 2019, 02:05:16 PM

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Paul Danik


   In conjunction with the Vintage Motorcycle Exhibit at the National Packard Museum, the Penton Owners Group will be having its May meeting at the National Packard Museum on Saturday May 11th, beginning at 10am.

 NOTE, this is the May meeting, NOT the April meeting !

    Over the years we have been asked to try to have a Saturday meeting when possible and this is an excellent opportunity to do so. The Vintage Motorcycle Exhibit is surely worth the trip in itself, plus we will have a regular POG business meeting, plus a very special session that all Penton enthusiasts will surely not want to miss.

   Luch will be provided.

   Sadly John Penton will not be in attendance, as after we had set the meeting date and published it in the newsletter he received an invitation to attend the grand opening of the KTM Museum in Austria and the dates overlapped. We are excited that John will get to attend the grand opening of the KTM Museum and we surely hope he has an excellent trip. We will look forward to hearing all about it at the following meeting.

   The National Packard Museum is located in Warren, Ohio in what was at one time a Packard dealership. Just click on the link below for more details about the National Packard Museum.

   Feel Free to bring along your Penton Sportcycle or Sportcycles to put in the Penton lineup outside of the Museum.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Hope to see you at the Museum on Saturday May 11th.


Paul Danik


   As the Saturday May 11th. POG meeting at the National Packard Museum starts to come into view, we have some exciting news to announce about that meeting.

   Jeff Penton will be in attendance as a very special guest. Jeff surely needs no introduction to most if not all of you Penton enthusiasts.  Possibly we can get Jeff to tell us a little bit more about his riding "THE NIGHT SECTION" in the Baja race which he told about in the John Penton movie.

   Jeff's contributions to the Penton Sportcycle and Penton Family legacy are immeasurable, and we sure look forward to visiting with him at the meeting.

A link to a photo of Jeff taken at an ISDT Reunion ride.

Hope to see you there.

Paul Danik


   At the 50th. Anniversary event held at KTM last March one of the displays that drew a lot of attention was Bud Green's display. Months later when talking with some folks who attended the event they commented about how Bud Green was "The Real Deal".

 Well folks, if you missed "The Real Deal" Bud Green and his display at the fiftieth event, or if you were there and just didn't have enough time to catch Bud's display and get to talk with him about his lifetime of two wheeled exploits, from racing on the beach of Daytona to being a Team Penton member at the ISDT and so much more, you are in luck !

"The Real Deal" Bud Green will be a very special guest of the Penton Owners Group at the upcoming meeting at The National Packard Museum. Bud has also agreed to bring much of his display from the 50th. Anniversary event to the Packard Museum for all to see.

Click the link below to see Pat and Bud Green....two outstanding folks. Pictured in the photo between Pat and Bud are John Penton, Dave Mungenast, Leroy Winters and Bud at the 1969 ISDT.

We are very excited to have both Jeff Penton and Bud Green as special guests at the upcoming National Packard Museum meeting. We certainly look forward to hearing of their exploits and seeing some of Bud's impressive trophies and awards earned during his increadable two wheeled career. And most certainly by the end of the day all will agree that both of these fine gentlemen are "The Real Deal"......:)



Paul Danik


   Just a few notes.

    If you wish to display any machines at the Penton Day at the Packard event please feel free to do so. We will be lining up the bikes out side on the edge of the parking lot but still on the pavement.

    I had a call from a gentleman asking how late the day's activities will run...and the answer is we out to be finishing up by around 3 pm. The Museum is open till 5 so there will be plenty of time to enjoy all that the Packard Museum has to offer, and take my word for it this place has a lot of cool stuff to see, besides the 19th. Annual Vintage Motorcycle Exhibit !!!!


Paul Danik


   Just a few notes.

    If you wish to display any machines at the Penton Day at the Packard event please feel free to do so. We will be lining up the bikes out side on the edge of the parking lot but still on the pavement.

    I had a call from a gentleman asking how late the day's activities will run...and the answer is we out to be finishing up by around 3 pm. The Museum is open till 5 so there will be plenty of time to enjoy all that the Packard Museum has to offer, and take my word for it this place has a lot of cool stuff to see, besides the 19th. Annual Vintage Motorcycle Exhibit !!!!


Dale Fisher

A quick look at the Saturday weather - Partly sunny and 64 [8D]

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - Memberships - POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Paul Danik


        We want to thank Bud Green for the work that he has already done in preparation of being one of our special guests on Saturday, but sadly Bud will not be able to attend.  Bud and Pat will instead be attending the funeral service for their great friend Beverly Klamfoth. Thanks again Bud and Pat for all that you have already done in preparation for this event, and we hope to find an appropriate venue at which to tell Bud's incredible story in the future. So sorry for your loss.

   The weather forecast is still looking good for Saturday, pretty much the same as Dale posted above  :D

    Don't hesitate to bring your Penton or Pentons to display in the outside line up. The lineup will be on pavement and in a very prominent area so that visitors to The Museum can view them as well. If you have signage for your machine please do  bring it along, folks love to read about what they are looking at.

    A big Thank You to Bill Smith and Karen for scanning the booklet that tells the backstories of the motorcycles on display in The Vintage Motorcycle Exhibit at The National Packard Museum. In case you missed the link to the booklet on the Homepage I have provided it below. Museum Director Mary Ann Porinchak says that attendance to the display has been so overwhelming that they are now out of the booklets so read up before you go or possibly download or print out a copy to bring along. I will try to get some printed up to hand out. When you get to the booklet just scroll down to read it in its entirety.

I would like to make mention of a few of the machines in the display.
The Leroy Winters ISDT replica that Kevin Grimes built to honor his great friend has drawn a lot of attention. When asked about putting the 1968 Penton Berkshire in the display Kevin never hesitated to give the green light. Thanks Kevin !!!  How about the awesome member profile of Kevin the latest Still....Keeping Track  :D  If you are not a POG member you don't know what you are missing.

When asking Gary Bailey about the possibility of getting a machine from him for the display "The Professor" instantly said "I have just the machine". Not only did Gary allow us to borrow the actual 1969 Greeves Griffon 250 that he used to beat the Europeans with, he also sent along the boots, pants and jersey that he wore that day. Gary was on the west coast when it was time to pick up the bike and his wonderful wife helped to load the machine and the riding gear. Just can't say enough good things about those folks.

The 1969 Yamaha DT-1 owned by all around good guy and POG member Conrad Pfeifer was the machine of choice for many riders "back in the day". Conrad's personal story that led him to find this machine and restore it has been a favorite of many of the Museum attendees, be sure to read it in the booklet.

How about seeing one of only two models of a Penton that were ever built. The Penton Junior Crosser is a scaled down version of our favorite make of motorcycle that is powered by a 50cc Sachs engine. Having been restored by our late friend Ollie Martin just a few years ago this machine is as beautiful as it is rare.

Another crowd favorite is the restored 1972 Penton CMF 125 from the Bill Hanks collection. Sitting on a hay bale to replicate a display that Penton Imports did many years ago at a Houston motorcycle show, this machine represents what so many Penton Sportcycle owners rode "back in the day". With the encouragement of his wife Michelle, Bill searched out many hard to find pieces to bring this machine back to what the KTM factory was producing and many of us rode "back in the day".

Hope to see you there...


Really enjoyed ourself's at the POG meeting yesterday.Always good seeing old friends and hearing Jeff Penton recalling the old days was interesting.Sorry we had to leave early but the wifes back started acting up,but she still had fun. Thanks to all involved, Bill & Michelle

Paul Danik


   What a treat is was for us to have Jeff Penton as our special guest on Saturday. After lunch Jeff kept everyone entertained with his stories from "back in the day", and got us all very excited as he expressed his enthusiasm towards his plans for the future.  Let me just say that from what Jeff stated we will be seeing him more and more at various events, now that he is retired and can start to do things that he really wants to do :D

   A big thanks also to Jeff's lifelong friend Norm Miller for being there as well and helping to fill in a few blanks, as well as prodding Jeff to tell a few stories that Jeff felt his dad "still didn't know about".

   If there was one quote from the day that could surely be chiseled in stone, it would be when Mrs. Tom Worcester said to Jeff, " I can't believe how humble you are".



Paul Danik


   If I may I would like to add that another "very special guest" was at the National Packard Museum meeting. Bill Smith's granddaughter Emily has now been to several Penton Owners Group meetings and it was very nice to see her once again. I do believe that Bill said Emily is attending college.

   To any of you who do attend POG meetings or are thinking of attending one, don't ever hesitate to bring along a young person as a guest. I can assure you that the Penton Owners Group meetings are very family oriented and child friendly.




Here are some photos from Penton Day at the Packard Museum. [8D]