1974 250 shift drum position

Started by pastmxa, July 04, 2019, 05:27:10 PM

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I'm about to assemble the 6-spd trans but I'm not clear on the position of the shift drum in relation to the shift forks.  

If someone could please give me some pointers on the position of the shift drum and where on the shift drum rail each shift fork goes.

Add'l info: The shift drum has no pin protruding, making it a 6 spd drum.  Original silver engine cases. The lock out bolt that is in the right case for the neutral detent is an M6 x 20mm long. I've looked and read the manual that I bought from Al Buehner but it is not clear.

My cell is  if it is easier to communicate via cell.

Thank you very much,



Thanks for everyone that replied, Al, Jerry & Kip.  POG is fantastic!  The replies all indicated that the position of the rotary drum installed doesn't matter.  I had assembled the cases and found that neutral between 2nd and 3rd gear and thought I had assembled it wrong.  Turns out there is a neutral between 2nd & 3rd when assembled correctly.  The drum can be in any position when assembled as long the correct shift fork is on the correct gear cluster and on the correct disc that guides the shift fork and is welded to the shift drum.  

Also of interest: I bought a new wiseco piston from Al Buehner.  Al told me to view the Wiseco website and read up on the clearance between the piston and the exhaust port bridge ( 74 250 silver case).  The clearance needs to be .003.  Also, for the lubricating holes on the piston for this same exhaust bridge, Al also recommended referencing the Wiseco website.  The Wiseco website recommends drilling 2 holes in the piston for cooling and lubing the exhaust bridge  / piston area.  The holes Wiseco recommends are 1/16 inch each.  The website indicates where on the piston to drill the holes.  The Penton manual recommends one hole in this same area.  

Again, thanks to everyone that helped out.  Invaluable assistance!