Berkshire Steel Tank Value

Started by holeshothawk3, August 27, 2019, 05:08:48 PM

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Hi all,
   I have run across a barnfind Berkshire steel tanker  here local to me. It has been sitting in a barn for 35 years but the motor is free and most everything is there. What is a reasonable price on this bike? Hopefully looking to make this my second Penton in the garage! Thanks

Larry Perkins

Without a pic it is hard to do more than a spread.  In real estate they always say location, location, location.  In old bikes it is condition, condition, condition and a picture is worth a thousand words.

Larry P

Carl Hill

If you are considering buying it you may want to remove the ignition cover and take a look. I have a whole stack of ruined engine cases from machines that had thrown their chain.

Paul Danik


   Carl, excellent point ! I always remove the ignition sidecover on any Sachs powered machine when evaluating it, not only to inspect the cases and sidecover, but also to see if the end of the crank has been twisted off or is messed up by someone not realizing it is a reverse thread. That being said, I would be more apt to buy a complete and original machine with an engine issue, that a non original machine with no engine issue, especially a Steel Tanker.

   Another important issue is the pipe, is it original and correct or has it been "altered".


joe novak

Purchase prices vary greatly.   What is the V number on the steering head?   Is it a cast iron cylinder or aluminum?    Earlier bikes are more collectable and rarer.  IMO $1000 to $3000