POG Family night December 5th.

Started by Paul Danik, November 30, 2019, 07:22:53 AM

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Paul Danik


     The December Penton Owners Group meeting is also our Annual Family Night. As anyone who has ever attended this event would surely attest to, good food and a festive atmosphere mixed with much socializing toped off with some entertainment of various sorts is the order of the evening. And guess what? YOU are invited !

    As with ALL POG functions one does not need to be a member to attend. I think the Borer family usually has three generations in attendance, and that record might be a tough one to beat.

   We try to limit the "POG Business" portion of the meeting and place a higher priority on the fun and festive stuff :) Just to watch POG President John Penton whack the gavel and call the meeting to order is usually worth the trip !

   Some folks bring something to add to the food table but that surely is not required and you can rest assured no one has ever gone home hungry.

   So, please join with us at 7pm. on Thursday December 5th. at the KTM faculty located just west of beautiful downtown Amherst, Ohio as we celebrate the season. The last couple of years we have held this event in a larger room at the KTM Facility and not in our usual meeting room, we will try to have the "trail to the seven o'clock checkpoint" properly marked, but surely you old enduro riders will find your way easily :D
