June POG meeting, AN OUTDOOR EVENT !

Started by Paul Danik, May 28, 2020, 08:21:25 PM

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Paul Danik


   POG President John Penton has graciously invited us to have our June POG meeting next to the famous Penton apple orchard located behind his home. Yes, this is the same apple orchard where numerous publicity photos were taken "back in the day" promoting the Penton Sportcycle and Hi-Point products.

   The meeting will take place on Thursday June 4th. and will begin at 7 pm. Please bring your own lawn chair and be forewarned that there are no bathroom facilities available. Social distancing will be the order of the evening with a Jackpiner length between each chair being requested, those trying to sit a Steel Tanker or Wassell apart will run the risk of having to help prune the apple trees at a later date :)

   We will enter the property by way of the rear drive off of Cooper Foster Park Road. If you set your GPS for 1301 Cooper Foster Park Road Amherst, Ohio you will arrive at a brick duplex that sits next to John's rear drive. If you are heading east the duplex and John's rear drive will be on your right, John's rear drive is just past the duplex as you head east. The drive is lined with large sandstone well stones mounted on edge. We will try to have something at the end of the drive to get your attention, sure wish the old Cycleliner converted into the Hi-Point delivery rig was still around :D

   Hope to see you at the meeting, it should be an enjoyable evening in the great outdoors.....

   Thank you John Penton for your hospitality, it is very much appreciated by all of us.


PS  For those who attended the POG 40/10 event a few years back you might remember being a part of this group photo, the Penton apple orchard is in the background.


Tom Penton

I talked to brother Jeff last week and he said there were not enough apple blossoms for him to bother trying to get a crop, so no spraying this year ... the meeting will be pesticide free!:)

I'll be there with my thoughts.

Tom Penton
Tom Penton

Rick Bennett

I have my bandana ready.
Ride a Penton in!

Paul Danik


    Thursday's forecast for beautiful Amherst, Ohio is calling for a pleasant day with a high of 80. A perfect day for an outdoor POG meeting adjacent to John Penton's apple orchard  :)


Paul Danik


    What an incredible evening  we had tonight !

    I sit here grasping for the correct words to try to convey just how cool it was to sit in John Penton's impeccably manicured side yard with such a nice group of folks and not only handle the POG business matters, but to also have Jack Penton take time to point out the properties many features of historic significance to the Penton Sportcycle and Family. Jack's brother Jeff and JP himself chimed in as needed to help fill in a few blanks as there was much to tell. It was a perfect evening weather wise as well.

    A couple of the highlights were as follows. Jack pointed out where the photo of him for a Steel Tank Penton brochure cover was taken. Jack also explained how JP has lived his entire life with in sight of where we were seated. They also pointed out where the old Penton Brothers Honda dealership building is located and told of how the pictures of the proto model Penton Sportcycle were taken in that building, and much, much more.

    Thank you John Penton and family for your hospitality. I do think we may need to have a back up gavel handy as surely John is going to eventually turn the one we have into tooth pics as he opens and closes the meetings :D
