Vintage 1000 2020

Started by Rick Bennett, November 25, 2019, 09:12:56 AM

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Richard Colahan

Rick...perhaps they meant "If you REALLY wanted a challenge you would attempt this trip on a Bultaco, and not on one of the finest machines ever made!" Now that would be a task!  
Quotequote:Originally posted by Rick Bennett

One more recollection.

At two different fuel stops I had strangers come up to me and say:

"I haven't seen a Penton in a LOOOOng time. The only thing better would be a Bultaco"

They had no clue...

I guess you have to ride a Penton to really appreciate what John put together.

Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA
Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA

Pat Oshaughnessy

Rick Bennett

The bikes...
2) Triumph 750
Yamaha XT 500
Yamaha DT 250
2) Honda CL 450
Honda CX 500
Yamaha XS 650
3) Honda SL 350
3) Honda CL 350
Honda CL 360
Honda XL 250
Honda XL 350
Penton 100
And a couple I can't remember.
These machines, half of them, were up to the task. The rest showed up, having been recently purchased for the trip or very rarely ridden. Points replacement hadn't been done and these owners had no idea what to do when the engine gave up. Owners manuals, forget it. Timing, what is that? The gap has to be how big? You have to put grease on the cam? I have owned a Honda twin for years and carry feeler gauges and 400 grit sand paper in my wallet. Nick thinks this funny, but guess who can't tune the Honda I gave him to ride? No one but Randy and I had spare points on board. Most mornings Randy and I found ourselves with two or three to work on or there would be more bikes on the trailer. Most of these riders were eager to learn and will come back next year better prepared. There were other small problems that couldn't have been foreseen, like broken shifters and frames. Thread locker and or nylon nuts, the lack of, left shock bolts and others out on the trail. Poorly braced mufflers made riding behind a couple bikes almost unbearable after they fell off, never to return. Luggage racks, over burdened with stuff, probably not needed, and poorly braced, broke, sometimes taking the rear frame hoop with it. My SL 350 came home with broken tail light, wiring rubbed thru after the fender collapsed onto the tire, and broken frame hoop. I looked at the rack arrangement before leaving and pretty much knew this would happen if Nick took too much stuff. Was all this worth it? Yes it was. My Penton and 350 are easily repaired. The memories are what counts.

Rick Bennett

The riders...
Randy and I turned 65 on the way to Chattanooga. With hair mostly gray now but still with 18 year old brain, we have an advantage, experience. Not only in dirt riding but in machine preparation and selection. All the riders share a common interest, riding vintage motorcycles. It is great to see younger riders looking in this direction. They all will leave the adventure as better riders and mechanics. Passing on what us older and wiser cycle owners know is well received and appreciated. In this day of instant gratification sitting behind a screen, it is nice to see others getting out and doing something physical. This ride is not beyond the normal everyday rider, even without dirt knowledge. Each group that leaves in the morning sticks together and works as a team to overcome the navigation, trail riding and mechanical repairs. This is part of the fun. There are 21 riders and 21 different talents (personalities) on the ride. Each has something to contribute. Each ride has a mixture of veterans and new participants, so every ride is different. Other than challenging myself with my machine selection and preparation, this is what keeps me interested in going again.

Pat Oshaughnessy

Enthusiasim is the Elixer of Life! A little momentum to go with it doesnt hurt either! Happy Trails![:p]

Rick Bennett

Since I can't post pictures here go to the Penton, Built for Champions facebook page to see more on this ride.


Thanks for this whole thread Rick!  I was jealous, but enjoyed following along on the Vintage 1000 facebook page!  I was always watching out for pictures or videos of you, but only saw a few, and attributed that to you not having to be doing too much work on your Penton, opposed to others!  Very inpsirational ride that I hope to do one day myself!  Keep up the good work!

Rick Bennett

Two weeks after finishing this adventure I broke my left foot hitting a stump during a hare scramble so no riding this last month. But...Randy Nick and I have signed up for the 2021 Vintage 1000 mountain ride. Stay tuned for more adventures. Now...what to ride?

Pat Oshaughnessy

Rick How about a 1974 250cc Penton Enduro with the big bazooka exhaust?  My favorite Penton . You will love the power & better shifting trans.  Just a thougt [:p]