Email Virus' are BACK....

Started by DKWRACER, October 08, 2002, 07:25:10 PM

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Yup, some silly fool is at it again, suggest everyone update their engines and virus signatures.....

Thomas Brosius


Interesting email rcd. from EBAY today...says I was the winning recipient of the winning bid from some guy who had "Bug" parts for sale...upon rcpt of this email, my virus scanner saiz I got or, this email has BUGBEAR, well sh##, I emailed immediatly to EBAY that I did-not nor have I bid on any such an item....

Keep an ear open for such occurances...


Thomas Brosius

Kip Kern

I get a lot of the virus messages out of Europe.  I finally got a good virus scan and also deleted my mail box and hopefully rid myself of these "nasty" things!


Kip Kern

I get a lot of the virus messages out of Europe.  I finally got a good virus scan and also deleted my mail box and hopefully rid myself of these "nasty" things!



In the past week I keep getting emails of various content, the latest is of the content regarding an IE 5.5 patch, I strongly urge all to get a scanner and update daily if necessary, one from //www.grisoft, its called AVG from England, can download a free trial from their website...another good but somewhat costly approach is to make a "ghost" copy of your hard drive.....can place a second drive as a slave onto your ribbon cable (IDE Device) then can ghost the primary partition to the secondary partition etc... you will have a full backup that is bootable once placed as the "Master" on the cable....this in the event of a catastrophic failure due to virus attach or other.....

Tom Brosius

Thomas Brosius


When dealing with Virus through E-Mail there are a few things one should consider. Most virus scanners have a heavy impact on the computers performance. There is normally problematic installing other software too.

Here are a few security tips:
1: Do NOT use MS-Outlook for anything. It´s
a redicolus piece of software. There are other e-mail client software. Take your pic, everything is better.

2: Turn off the preview feature when viewing
folder content. If you have a virus script you cannot even select it with one mouse click without infecting your computer. Needless to say, you cannot delete the file.

3: Open the system registry, under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT lookup the .eml key, delete it and do the same thing with the .nws

4: Never ever run a executable file attached to a mail. files like *.exe, *.bat, *.vbs, *.com. If you do you most certainly have virus from that point on. If you should open a *.exe file you should have agreed with someone to send and are expecting that file.

For those of you that would like more detailed instruction on how to carry these things out, you are welcomed to mail me at:
[email protected]

Tell me what OS, Win95,98,NT,2000 you have in that case.

//B Hahn



Interesting dilema for those of us that use Microsoft's products. Deep within the bowels of Outlook is a language process that allows VB scripts to run in many forms, hackers have been exploiting this vulnerability ever since Melissa, Microsoft could probably care less as they continue to tout their superior feature added products. NTBUGTRAK authored by a leading authority, has been on the trail of Microsoft for years, true and sad to say Windows NT was/is a very good op system , however, Microsoft discontinued this product (should have fixed the holes) and is still adament about bringing out new op-systems. My learned colleage has re-affirmed that there are alternative email engines (Eudorea, Pine, the list goes on and on), whichever you choose, a virus scanner and some sort of vital data backup are most important...Understanding that this is a Penton forum, it is also especially important to protect ourselves that we may continue to communicate....

Thomas Brosius

frank the welder

my machine was killed by bugbear or at least by my trying to repair it.. had to buy a new machine..ugh