POG Website & Message Board

Started by Admin, November 12, 2020, 07:02:49 PM

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Hi Poggers
Just a heads up. The website, including the message board will be moved to a new server sometime within the next week. The current server is old and mandates a move.

This is not our solution to the log in problem but will make the problem obsolete. I am sorry for the inconveniences it has caused over the last couple of weeks. Please read on.

How does this move affect the website? Once moved, most parts of the website should work just find. Other pages will need some tweaking on my part to display. I will try to get them to display as soon as possible. Please know I will be working in the background to make this happen.

How does this affect the message board? The current board will NOT work or display on the new server. The software running it is 20 years old. And we have been using it for 17 years! The database we are using is old but we are saving the data with the hopes of converting it to a newer database that will display on a new message board!

We have no choice in the move. Even moving it to another web server would not work as the database we use to store your posts is no longer supported on servers and the message board software would not be able to be reinstalled as the company went out of business several years ago.

POG member Kevin Donavan has volunteered to help with this task. I am so thankful he reached out to us from my earlier message on the board.

Thank you ahead of time for you patience and understanding in this matter. Email me at [email protected] for questions or concerns.

Karen & Bill

Steve Minor

Thank you for the update and for all you two do to keep us up and running. I'm sure you'll do what's best for POG.

Steve Minor
Steve Minor