Little Harpeth Enduro

Started by Toolsurfer, June 21, 2021, 07:17:14 PM

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Does any of the old timer remember much about the Little Harpeth National . I can just recall the Penton gang running their in early 70's but don't remember winners and number of riders.  Any feedback appreciated .  Maybe the man from Mars has some knowledge on who attended this event?

Paul Danik


   In the Keeping Track Newsletter that the link below will take you to, if you scroll down there is a little write up on the Little Harpeth titled " Pentons Wail At Little Harpeth ". There is also a little piece below it titled From "B" to "A" in three easy lessons that I am a bit proud of.  Those sure were great times....:)
   I am thinking that Bob Gilman may have ridden the Little Harpeth as well, maybe he has some info...Bob ???? I am pretty sure he rode a Penton Berkshire in quite a few enduros "back in the day"...



Thanks Paul , I remember some years but the people that actually rode in these events can shed light like no other .  I just enjoy hearing people tell their stories out of their eyes , what they were seeing at that time . Thanks I have read that article and all the other Keeping Tract many many times .  Thanks Paul