Looking for parts for Steel Tanker Projects

Started by Thump, September 13, 2021, 08:22:47 AM

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I am working on 2 steel tanker projects and I am looking for a few parts that I need to finish them.
For my 69 I am looking for,
1. Rear brake rod complete I have the pedal and the bushings but nothing else.

 For my 70 steel tanker I am looking for
1.Rear brake rod complete I have the pedal and the bushings but nothing else
2. I would like to have a set of the steel side number plates.

Thank you for your help
Gary Hazel

Gary Hazel
V458 125 Six Days
V1479 125 Six Days
V4636 100 Berkshire
V5659 125 Six Days
V6657 125 Six Days
74 175 Jackpiner
74 250 Hare Scrambler  
72 125 Six Days
Gary Hazel
V458 125 Six Days
V1479 125 Six Days
74 400 Mint
V5659 125 Six Days
V6657 125 Six Days
74 250 Hare Scrambler


I have some extra steel oval number plates which I had made for the two Steeltank projects I'm currently working on. Email me using my screen name here and adding at cox dot net and I can send you some pictures.
Dave McCullough


I am now only needing 1 brake rod complete.
If anyone can help
[email protected]

Gary Hazel
V458 125 Six Days
V1479 125 Six Days
74 400 Mint
V5659 125 Six Days
V6657 125 Six Days

74 250 Hare Scrambler  
72 125 Six Days
Gary Hazel
V458 125 Six Days
V1479 125 Six Days
74 400 Mint
V5659 125 Six Days
V6657 125 Six Days
74 250 Hare Scrambler