motoplat ignition

Started by steve_jay, November 02, 2002, 06:53:39 PM

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I have an '84 Husky.  The original ignition went bad and a motoplat system was purchased.  The bike never ran again. It was given to me several years ago and I just got around to checking it out. There is no spark.  Once when I was trying to troubleshoot it, I had the sparkplug in the cap on the cylinder head. I was rolling the bike, in gear to try to see if there was ANY spark. When I rolled it backwards to turn around, I got a beautiful, continuous spark.  The arrow on my stator, indicates that it is turning the right direction.  DOes the top coil have to be matched with the bottom, for direction?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Jay
Steve Jay


Steve just found the forum and you problem is interesting. I don't know the motoplat very well, I had a ktm briefly 15 yrs ago, but I know that there are right and left mounting schemes and it sounds like you flywheel trigger  is after the capacitor instead of before which means wrong side.The cap(like bosch cdi) must charge before it is triggered but I'm just guessing here. I'm looking for bosch cdi parts for a puch.
