POG Meeting Calendar. when and where Pinned please if possible?

Started by Mike Rosso, April 19, 2022, 01:02:05 AM

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Mike Rosso

Any chance of getting a POG Meeting Calendar, when and where pinned so we know about it. I missed the last one thinking it must have been in conjunction with the Cleveland IX Center Piston show. Jim and others used to post a week to a month in advance when and where. If we had a thread dedicated to it, it would really be nice. THANKS in Advance.



Hi Mike,

The next POG meeting will be on May 5th at KTM - followed by a June 2nd meeting and July 7th meeting.

I will send an e-mail to Karen to see about getting a calendar posted.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


The events calendar has the POG meeting dates listed on it.
It is accessed on the home page. 
Alan Buehner

Mike Rosso

Thanks Al. Found it, thanks again Al  :)