News Letter Issue No. 100

Started by paul arthur busick, August 08, 2023, 10:40:23 AM

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paul arthur busick

I want to thank AL for the terrific News Letter.  He has done a wouderful job putting the passed issues together. BUT this one is outstanding.  Thank you Al FOR all you do for the POG. Amherst Paul


Hi Paul,

Thank you for your kind words. I am happy to hear that you received your copy of the current newsletter. These were mailed out on Saturday so, all of our current dues paying members should be receiving their copies of it by the end of this week.

The current newsletter features John Penton as the member profile and thanks to Elaine Hall, Paul Danik and Larry Maiers, they have shared some wonderful stories about JP that are not mentioned in the book or movie. I also included an article written years ago by JP's sister, Patricia Leimbach, titled "Big John".

Ed Youngblood's article titled - "ISDT 1973; part three - The Secret flight to Boston" is also included in this newsletter.
I also would like to thank Mark Zimmerman who wrote a wonderful story about his experience of being at the 1973 Six-Days event in Massachusetts.

Rick Bennett shared his experience with another of his 1,000 mile rides, this time in Utah aboard his Penton Berkshire 100.

Rick also wrote an article about the Penton display he set up at the Hodaka Days event and what he experienced at that wonderful event.

There is an article about the ribbon cutting at the AMA Hall of Fame Museum for the ISDT display that Paul Danik, Rick Bennett, and Jack Penton put together. There are photos of ISDT veterans, Tom Penton, Jeff Penton, Jack Penton, Bud Green, Paul Danik, and Frank Gallo who were there to cut the ribbon and open the exhibit. The exhibit will be open over the next year.

Thank you Ted Guthrie for also contributing another article on his "do-it-yourself" motorcycle restoration. This one is titled "Motorcycle Restoration Part 4 - The Carburetor". His series of articles pertain to any and all brands and types of motorcycles, not just the Penton brand.

If you do not receive a copy of this current newsletter, then you are either not a current POG member or you forgot to pay your dues. To become a member or renew your membership, go back to the POG website and print out a membership form, fill it out and mail it in with your check.

This year's newsletters have been focused on the 1973 ISDT. We have been blessed with many wonderful stories of that event by the riders, spectators, and people behind the scene who were at that event and I am grateful to receive their stories and share them with our members. All good stuff and more coming.   :p
Alan Buehner

Mike OReilly

I second Amherst Paul's thanks to Al's work over the years.
Still Keeping Track is a large part of the glue that keeps POG together and has made it the pre-eminent marque owners group that it is.
Can't wait to see issue #100.

Rain Man

Thanks Al, your an integral part of this organization!
 Down East Pentons