Samantha Vallish-Long campaigning 175 Jackpiner in 2024

Started by OhioTed, February 18, 2024, 09:03:24 AM

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For those of you unfamiliar with the situation, Bob Wentzel and I operate a "hobby" business, which we call The Vintage Movement.  The affair is an outgrowth of Bob's and my vintage motorcycle collections, efforts, and interests. 
We've got quite a bit going on at TVM, including a focus on hosting young riders on our vintage machines.  Of those young riders is a tremendous enthusiast whom many of you may know of - Samantha Vallish.  Recently married to Cody Long, both Samantha and Cody are extensively involved in both modern and vintage motorcycling and racing. 
Samantha has to date campaigned a variety of TVM machines, but this year we are particularly proud that she will be aboard a 175 Jackpiner, recently acquired from and very well prepared by veteran AHRMA competitor, Billy Haschek. 
Look for Samantha on this 'Piner at various events this year and join me in wishing her the best of good fortune.


Good luck to Samantha and "the team". Bike looks good Ted. Enjoy hearing and seeing her on track exploits. Good luck Samantha!
1976 MC5 250