Penton electrics

Started by CWilson, December 04, 2002, 04:43:06 PM

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I have 2 questions concerning the electrical system on my 1975 125 Penton enduro. (1) Does the blue wire power the headlight, brake switch and tail light?  (2) Can a 6 volt battery be wired into the system to power the lights when motor is not running?  Thanks.

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson

Tom Gougeon


1) On my '75 the wire colors are as follows:
   Black: From Motoplat to coil
   Blue:  From Motoplat to coil, and to kill
   White: Tail light
   Green:  Brake light
   Yellow: Head light

2) The lighting voltages are AC, NOT DC as in the battery so what ever you do, DO NOT wire the battery directly into any part of the lighting circuits. You'll do permanent damage to the lighting coils in the Motoplat and may cause the battery to explode. You'd need some sort of rectifier and voltage regulator if you wanted to have a battery type electrical circuit. Then the lights would connect to the battery, not the lighting coils. The lighting coil would then be used to charge the battery, through the rectifier and regulator, of course. I've toyed with this very same idea but abandoned it because I wanted my restoration to be as close to original as possible. Also, I couldn't figure out a good place to mount the battery. If you're only interested in having lights to overcome some licensing issue (as I know some states require that you have lights will operate w/o the engine running) you may want to explore the idea of wiring up a "total loss" lighting system that runs competely from the battery. There are some very compact gel pac batteries on the market that will keep a 35 watt head lamp burning for a half hour or so. That should be long enough to get you through any inspection.



Thanks for your answers Tom.  A total loss lighting system is exactly what I'm interested in which will allow me to run the lights during a vehicle inspection.  With that in mind what wire(s) do I unhook on my Penton and how do I wire the battery into the system?  Thanks again Tom.

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson

Tom Gougeon

Does your Penton have the standard light switch and brake light switch?



Yes Tom both headlight and brakelight switches are standard.

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson

john durrill

 we posted two wireing diagrams , in files ,  in the library. they are for  both the old Bosch mag. and the motoplat. Show the wiring for lights and switchs along with the coil.
 hope they are some help.
John & Peter



Thanks for the info John.  By using the schematics you've mentioned, my owners manual and some ideas from Tom Gougeon I'm confident I can wire a battery to run my lights while the engine is not running. More importantly all the above and not damage my motoplat.

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson

john durrill

 you can get a shematic for a 125 Sachs Military and it used a battery , horn etc.
Try this Link. Its the herc club in Germany