Jake Fischer,a VSP!!!

Started by DKWRACER, December 07, 2002, 08:21:48 PM

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I rcd. today a "care package" from Fischer Competetion Cycles. It was a simple re-order of M-Zoke seal kits (rears). What he has,  works, what he did was beyond, never asked him of this, but this he did!!! I stand on hallowed ground, and lucky to have chosen to ride a Penton, our Forum has not, nor has it failed in any way....

Thomas Brosius

Doug Wilford

DKW Racer,   You are correct in the "VSP"  status for Fischer Competition Cyle.   Jake and sons are truly honest and above board in all that they do.   Excentric to the unknowing, but way more than fair in the final tally.   I am proud to be able to call Jake and family true friends.   Doug Wilford


Dwight Rudder

I have always said, " Give Jake a chance and he will give you more than you ask".  
Glad to call Jake my friend.

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.

Dwight Rudder

Don't tell him I said that or he might start to think I like him or something.

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.

Paul Danik

Besides being a super good guy, old Jake is about as tuff as they come.  He rode the last 3 days of the USA ISDT in 1973 with a badly seperated shoulder, and still earned his GOLD. Jake would take me riding on his home trails in "the Day" and would really make you work.  I owe much of my success in the ISDT to Jake's  "training". I can still picture Jake blasting his 400 Husky up "killer hill".
Thanks Jake.