What happened to our forum??

Started by Mark Annan, January 13, 2003, 10:29:15 AM

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Mark Annan

What happened to the forum the last few days?

Is it the same problem that keeps reoccurring?



Mick Milakovic

Not sure, I haven't been able to log on since Wednesday last week.  My school's also been having problems.  Maybe a Wide-Area-Network problem infecting several servers.

Mick Milakovic
Delphi, IN

Doug Wilford

Mark and all Pog site users,
We are aware of the latest problems on the site.  It would be nice if it were a recurring problem, that would be chaseable. It seems lately each shut down is happening from a different reason, not from the same source or program.   Our host, Dale has been having fun finding the solutions, and with time and alot of phone calls he has gotten us back on line.  The future is looking better and before the latest rash of crashes we had been talking about a facelift for the site.  Hang in there we are trying.



For a fistfull of dollars....consider this:
I usually encounter at least one to four viruses as email attachments DAILY!!! I have a very good scanner and don't open any thing I feel suspicious about...U-soft has serious problems with the open holes in DNS... this can lead to many Hackers ripping our site with random attacks, some purposefull, some migrated as a by-product of the entire process, imagine if Pentonusa.org became junkie.com....I would gladly cough up another $1.00 in member-ship that we avail ourselves of hackers, realize this too.....tape backup of all data is crucial to our forum.....Keep the faith in our I/T junkies

Thomas Brosius


The pentonusa web host has had a few denial of service attacks over the past year.
Hopefully it won't happen again.
I fixed the forum logo today.