Arkansas POGer's?

Started by wfopete, February 03, 2005, 07:05:52 PM

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I was going through my membership directory and noticed that I was listed under the state of Arizona not Arkansas[:0]. Yes, Arkansas IS a state.  In fact, I didn't see anyone listed in Arkansas. Can it be true that the state that brought us Leroy Winters and so many ISDT Reunion Rides only has one POG member?

Pete Petrick
Dover, AR
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Doug Wilford

Sorry about the misprint, all our records have you in AR not AZ. The Directory uses only active members for listing and some opt out, so there is not 100% of our members listed.   Good observation, I hope it reaches some of our fellow Pentonians that live in Arkansas.