Husky Help

Started by scooterdude, January 28, 2003, 10:08:19 AM

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O.K. guys this isn't a Penton question but I can't get ahold of Craig C. so maybe someone in the POG world can help me. I aquired a bike in boxes and I'm trying to I.D. the engine. The frame number tells me it's a 78 CR/WR/OR 250. The tag on the engine case was blown off after slinging a chain years ago. Is there any other way to I.D. the motor? The guy that had it said he thought it was a CR but he wasn't sure. It has a motoplat, red CR/WR tank, air valves on fork caps, and a ridge pattern on top of original seat cover. I located a brochure on the 78's but it showed the CR with gold rims and the ones on this one are not. Any help as always would be greatly appreciated.


Dennis D

You might try this question on the Vinduro site. Lots of Husky people there. Dennis


Mick Milakovic

Check the steering column for letters.  ML indicates '78,  MM is '79, MN is '80.....  I have a pair of Huskys at home that I will check tag #s on.   One bike is a '78 390-OR the other an '80 390-CR.  I'll post what help I can offer on this site tomorrow.

Mick Milakovic
Delphi, IN

Kip Kern

Jeff  Contact Forest Stahl @ 765-284-7653 for parts and Husky info.  Yorktown, IN


Kip Kern

Jeff  Contact Forest Stahl @ 765-284-7653, he is the "Husky" man for parts and knowledge!  Yorktown, IN



Thanks for the input fellas. Mick according to the frame number ( ML 29****) it's definately a 1978. Since the bike is torn down ( engine is still together )my main dilema is whether it's a CR,WR,or a OR and how or what makes them different,motor wise, so I can tell which it is. I'll try to call the number that you guys gave me.
Thanks again,


Mick Milakovic

I checked my bikes hoping to see a stamping such as seen on many Jap bikes:  386cc, but didn't.  Unfortunately your lost plate on the countershaft case was your key to the tranny ID.  I can tell you that 'OR' stands for Optimal Ratio and was designed for high-speed off road events like Baja and Dakar.  The first three gears are close ratio and the top three are wide ratio.  This gives the desert guys big-time top end.  My 390-OR will do 100 mph with stock gearing!  

I agree with Kip:  contact Forest to solve your problem; I get 90% of my parts from him.

Mick Milakovic
Delphi, IN


Thanks Mick for taking the time to check.



Take off the right side cover and see if it has a lighting coil. If it does, it may be a WR/OR. Still hard to say as a Motoplat with a lighting coil works on a CR, WR or OR and someone could have swapped it. I have a Motoplat with a lighting coil on my 1976 360 CR. Tank size was larger on the ORs and WRs. Jetting is different between the CRs and WRs/ORs but you'd have to check the book and then hope the jetting wasn't changed.

John at Vintage Husky (// is your best bet.