Kent K, Chain guides

Started by tlanders, March 24, 2003, 01:17:35 PM

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Hi gang,

I had the joy of thanking Kent for his great series of articles in person at the awards banquet in Florida (the only place where it wasn't raining!!!). I told him I would send him some information on Ultra-High Molecular Weight (UHMW) Polyethylene that is oil filled and makes a terrific chain quide material. Kent has been using teflon, I found this stuff when looking for the teflon. I bought mine from McMaster Carr 630-833-0300 or // It is found on page 3177 in Catalog #107. This is also the company I have been buying my metric rubber exhaust system mounts from. I thought that you all might be interested so I posted it here instead of just emailing the info to Kent directly. Thanks again Kent.


PS Riding the first set of motos in the Friday Post Vintage race in Waldo, FL was like riding in recently poured 8" deep concrete. Only 30% that started could make 4 laps. I was fortunate to be among the 30%. They cancelled the second set and all the rest of the weekend -BOO HOO. TL


Mark Annan

Hey Teddy,

How about some part numbers.  I couldn't find the stuff on their site.

Mark A



The oil filled UHMW Polyethylene 12"x 12"x 1/4" sheet is part #84945K113. There are many rubber sandwich mounts in different lengths, diameters, male/male or male/female, bolt sizes etc. An M8x1.25 male/male with 1"dia by 1" long rubber part # is9376K123. This should get you to the page for you to decide which one you want. I bought a few of a couple of different types. To find them on the  website, do a search for "mounts". Hope this helps.




The website catalog pages for these two items is 3300 and 1210 respectively.


Mark Annan

Thanks for the info.  I found it this time!