Head gasket

Started by [email protected], March 21, 2003, 08:54:18 PM

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[email protected]

Jerking around in a field behind my house this evening to avoid war news my 125 started to make a noise not unlike a blown head gasket.Took it back to the garage and pulled the head.It looked like a fairly large section of the gasket had just deteriorated.As this bike sat for 20 plus years I suppose that's possible just unusual.Anyone else have this happen.Frank


Doug Wilford

Sounds a bit unusual, as you say it has been sitting awhile and who knows what the torgue was before you ran it.   Put in a new head gasket and torgue it to 2.5- 3kpm or 22 ft.lb. or 240 in.lb. by the book, and recheck after the engine has been hot a couple of times.    Good luck.


[email protected]

This head gasket business just got weirder.The top of the piston was pretty beat up as was the combustion chamber so I took it down.It was evident a wrist pin keeper or something had come loose and really gouged the cylinder.When I got ready to remove the wrist pin it pushed right out.The keeper was gone and had never been replaced.I just got this bike so I woudl have known if this had happened so I have run the bike several hours with no pin keeper.The pin push out really easily.What stopped it for catching on a transfer port and stopping the whole thing?I posted on the wanted page for a cylinder the gouges are so deep I don't think even 60 thou will clean it up and it is at 54.5mm now.Any help on the cylinder appreciated,Frank.



If yours is really bad you might look at the one on Ebay Item # 2408463228. Its not perfect but maybe the bore is.


john durrill

 give Al a call and see if he has a relined cylinder. if not he can put you in touch with the folks that do his relining and you can get the cylinder done. then yo can start back with a std bore piston.
John D.