Enhance the Member Profile

Started by tlanders, March 28, 2003, 02:46:18 PM

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When I was trying to get a hold of Dave Janiec the other day, I first went to the Members section of this POG site. This did no good because the Members section is sorted by number of posts not by name, so I could not find him there. Then I did a Search for his name and received a listing of posts he had made, but that didn't get me any closer to his phone number. If I could have found him in the Members list, it still would not have done any good because the only info in there is name, email address and number of posts(who cares?). I wish we could be allowed to put more information in our member profiles. Not really griping, just wanting to make the POG site more user friendly.



Paul Danik

Who cares you asked!!  I DO, and from what I have seen others do also! When a person posts a question and we see that he or she is a "newbie", with no previous posts, we like to welcome that person to the POG website.  There is more to this website and most of it's members than just answering questions, most Penton folk tend to look after each other, always did and hopefully always will.  I give a website report at the POG meetings and always make a point to mention the "newbies" that just found that there is a place to share their fondness of the Penton motorcycle and people. As a matter of fact Teddy, I seem to remember that it wasn't to long ago that you were a "newbie" at the VMD at Mid-Ohio and seemed at the time to be thrilled that you too could relive your Penton memories.
Paul Danik



I agree with Paul and Ted.It's great to see new members of the family,but to look up a member,by the time I find that members e-mail address,I've used up the time I had to e-mail them.I guess Doug needs more to do,maybe between the Webmaster and Doug they can enhance the site.

Doug Wilford

I care, and I would answer more completely, but I have run out of time.




FYI, if you click on any of the headers at the top of the members chart ( including "Members Name" ) it will sort it alphabetically by that criteria.



Dreams live, they do so because without dreams we are amush of 2-stroke spooge, thanks Paul for your dissertation at the very heart of the matter, would be nice to have a few things on the POG web-site, I keep dreamin and hear others as well, I am however reminded of a beautiful Neil Young verse, it goes like this:
I was driving down a freeway, when a friend stopped by to ask
If I would feel less lonely if he helped me swing the axe
I said "no its not a case of feeling less lonely we have here" I've been working on this palm tree for 87 years.......
Grip n Rip.....Tom.......

Thomas Brosius

Lew Mayer

 If you need someone's phone number and you have their e-mail address, just e-mail them and ask for their phone number. Let's not make more work for the webmaster. Some folks may not want their number readily available. The webmaster has enough to do and phone numbers are readily availible if you have the member's e-mail. Just a thought.

Lewis A Mayer
Lew Mayer

Paul Danik

Thanks for explaining how simple the process actually is.   The POG Board of Directors is very much aware of the problems associated with providing to much info on it's members.  The recent theft of machines, which is a topic in the forum, is a good example of a problem that we don't want to help happen. Sometimes what seems at the moment to be a "better way", or more "user friendly", actually has many flaws that become evident with some thought. The POG Board has spent many hours at it's meetings discussing such matters.



Hey guys, can't we all just get along?  I'm not sure why the debate has sprung up concerning this website.  It's awesome and I don't think anyone really thinks otherwise.  Now, when it comes to getting ahold of a member, couldn't you just find one of his posts and then use the little icon on the top of the box which is to email that person alone?  I will admit a serious lack of computer Kah-nah-ledge but, I think that might work.

  Mike Husted (rd400pi)
  (72, 74 Six Day, 76 250 MC5)

P.S. How come nobody responded to my incredibly well written and very important post at the end of "parts bike" concerning bike IDs and pictures?



Wow, I was gone for the weekend and I guess my post created a stir - sorry. I love the Penton site, I love my Pentons, I still am thrilled that I can relive my Penton memories, and I now understand why number of posts is important. However, I still think the voluntary contribution of more information would enhance the site and I still am not really griping, just wanting to make the POG site more user friendly.



rob w

Hey, I hear that squeaky wheel again. Do we have any grease left.


Mick Milakovic

Mike is right, just place your cursor on the icon with the picture of the person's head and you go to that member's profile.  You can then e-mail directly.  Or go the next icon (e-mail poster) and you can do the same thing.

Mick Milakovic
Delphi, IN


Thank You for the quick education.Now I just hope I remember this when I need it. Thanks