Penton/ KTM posters for sale

Started by rob w, April 11, 2003, 12:36:15 AM

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rob w

In a batch of parts I got from a guy recently there was this awesome 1978 KTM calendar. He said he had gotten it in europe, (possibly a ISDT in Wales or ??) that appears to be true because the months are spelled european-like and all of the bikes are KTM's, but we know they're really Pentons. I have 12 different shots, a mixture of MX and Enduro. The original size of each page is apx. 14" x 20". I went to Kinko's and the only affordable size I could get copies in was 11" x 17". I put two of them on Ebay so you could check them out, at a price of $6.00 + 4.00 shipping (on ebay), I have'nt shopped around for pricing, but for now, at that price, I'd be pocketing about .70 cents, so I'm not in it for the money, just thought you guys would like some cool Penton stuff suitable to frame for your garage or ice shanty. I asked Kinko's how much it would cost for a 18 x 24, and they said $24.00 each, whoa now! If you find one you really like, you can go have it blown up larger yourself. I'll try to eventually get all 12 for you to see, and you don't have to buy them on ebay either, also you could save on shipping by buying several at once. I'll see if I can get the price knocked down too. Thanks alot, Bob


Steve Minor

Rob should be able to edit any of your posts by clicking on the icon of the "pencil and paper" then make the changes.....I do it all the time.


Steve Minor

Steve Minor

Come to think of it, I some strange things occur once with me too...It appeared as if I was always "logged off" and I couldn't edit my posts either. As a last resort, I finally used my "Windows Recovery Disk", went through the recovery procedures and it fixed the problem.

Steve Minor

Randy Kirkbride

Hi Bob,
Save me some time.  What is the # for the pics?
Congrats on your 3rd overall.